the victory in the great Patriotic war was forged with a song on his lips. This is not a slogan, not a myth — it is the absolute truth. The power that today we call a totalitarian, provided your booking musicians, composers, singers. Why? Yes, because we understand that a talented musician such as, for example, Arkady Ostrovsky and much more benefit will be brought to the front as a frontline artist crews with his accordion than like an infantryman with a rifle. The main title song of the great Patriotic war “Sacred

war”, which became a real anthem of the struggle against the Nazis, was written two days after the outbreak of war, 24 June 1941. It was the first “weird” song in the series of those that appeared during the war, and then after graduation as a kind of reflection on heroic and tragic events of the great Patriotic war.

Trilobal March

get Up, huge country, get up for mortal combat

With the dark fascist force with the damned Horde.

Let noble fury boil like a wave.

there Is a national war, a Holy war…

Words by Vasily Lebedev-Kumach — chopped, clear. Try to read them without the music — the real March. But… the composer Alexander Alexandrov is doing an amazing thing: he writes March in the amount of three quarters, destroying the templates and standards. Trilobal March! Every second syllable stanza turns lingering, long: VSTA-WA-a-ay, the country is huge”. Tradelect characteristic dances — the Polonaise, the waltz — confusing, attaches to this marsh for something extremely personal, unconventional, “strange”.

And here’s a snippet of poems by Mikhail Matusovsky, which the composer Veniamin Basner wrote a beautiful song for the movie “the Front behind enemy lines”:

When the time came, struck the appointed hour,

We rushed to the enemy within.

For each of us, for all of us

the Victory became a personal matter.

Key phrase: “for each of us victory became a personal matter”. Himself Veniamin Basner, born in 1925, in the same way as Mikhail Matusovsky, who was 10 years older, fought in the war. Matusovsky was a war correspondent, was in the thick of military events. Basner served in mossvale. This creative Duo has created many songs about the war, which became real hits. Among them — “where does Motherland begin?”. There are such words: “maybe it starts with the songs that we sang mother? With that in any tests we have no one to take away…” And this is not a myth and not a slogan: the song has always been an integral part of people’s mentality. It really starts homeland.


Cold wave raises avalanche

Wide Black sea

Last sailor Sevastopol left,

he Goes, arguing with the waves.

And the terrible salty raging shaft

On the boat wave after wave broke,

In the misty distance are seen the earth,

Gone far ships…

“Cherished stone” Boris Mokrousov wrote on the text by Alexander Zharov in the midst of war — in 1943. The song immediately takes himself in the repertoire of Leonid Utesov — unprecedented success for the young composer! On one of his last concerts Cliffs said about “Cherished stone”: “we Have the Tsar cannon is the Tsar bell, and is King-song…” what is the secret of this song?

the fact that he has fought in Sevastopol… the tragedy that occurred there in the summer of 1942, was for him a personal tragedy. He was among those who, like the hero of his song, left by the Germans besieged the city. But there were only 1228 people… the Rest, almost 80 000 soldiers and officers who abandoned is not certain death. Today, the city-hero Sevastopol is a beautiful, snow-white, literal copy of the destroyed city. It is said that after the Yalta conference, Stalin was lucky Roosevelt and Churchill destroyed, erased from the earth Sevastopol. Both were impressed and agreed that to rebuild a new city be no less than half a century. Sevastopol was restored, it was restored strictly according to the drawings and plans of the historical city in less than 10 years. But to copy people, alas, impossible. You can only remember them. And so when you hear a song about the last man who left the Sevastopol, remember, he was not the last. There remained 79 956 people, doomed to destruction and captivity.

Leningrad, my dear brother

There in the evening quiet splashes

Neva wave.

Leningrad, my dear brother,

my Motherland

Anatoly Lepin. The composer of over 500 songs. However, I suspect that for many this name is unknown. But if you name the movie to which he wrote the music, all joyous smile: “carnival night”. The famous “Five minutes”, “Tanya”, “song about a good mood” — all lépine.

During the war, Anatoly Lepin, like most of his fellow music and arts, is sent to the front in the front. At the beginning of the war he was in Moscow, which, in fact, was a front-line area. And then he is on the Volkhov front. It has been Leningrad. Here is at war, the poet Paul Shubin, at the time a war correspondent. The terrible winter of 1942/43 G. Shubin in the dugout near the station mga writes simple words about your favourite city:

Where would I have been abandoned by the war,

Among black and smoky fields

All I fancied the garden under the moon

And out to sea, the ships whistles.

posted by Shubin and musician Lepine meet — and immediately is born song. Her singing soldiers in��him to the front. Almost at the same time on the Volkhov front came with the concert brigade of Vadim Kozin, the most famous and popular singer of the time. He heard this song and immediately included it in his repertoire. And after a couple of months recorded on the disc. Song learned the whole country. Touching and naive song suffer the sad fate of complete oblivion. He Kozin at the end of the war he was arrested and sent to camp. No other singer took this song to your repertoire. But how much sounded these lines, written during the siege:

did Not break us, death and the blockade.

And will be like a song, again

For the spring gardens of Leningrad

Unbreakable our love.

Bastards no mercy

Hitler waited for a response from Napoleon:

You tell me how come I’m Russian boy?

he replied sleepily from beyond the grave:

I, my friend, will move, you go with me.

Arkady Ostrovsky. The Soviet romantic. The author of “the Solar circle”. The author of the famous children’s lullaby “lullaby”, the song cycle “Our yard” and the impressionistic song “give me the moonstone”… But Ostrovsky — the soldier.

before the war he started working in the orchestra Utesova. It happened by pure chance. The young couple Ostrovskii, Arkady and Matilda traveled together on tour. Once unfair organizers “threw” them — not paid. Young actors boarded the train without a penny. We were hungry but nothing to eat they had, had nothing to buy. Matilda and said play something, somehow to distract from hunger. Ostrovsky took the accordion and started to play Bach. For these sounds to their carriage reached the people. Listened to and treated with simple road food: bread, eggs, chicken leg. A neighbor on the coupe even left some money and a note on which was written his name: Lazar Petrovich Rachlin. This was the famous Lazarus Rachlin, Director of the state orchestra of Leonid Utesov. After a week Ostrovsky Leningrad came a telegram with a proposal to go to the orchestra and to move to Moscow.

When the war broke out, Arkady Ostrovsky in the orchestra Utesova was to drive the fronts with the front-line teams. Visited on different fronts — the Volkhov, Kalinin, far East. Came under shelling, under bombing. Who wrote the letter. “Now sit in a tent in the woods. I feel great. I sit, I write another orchestration. Now go on…” And his wife writes to him: “I think you need to write songs that will be sung all, that’s all! You’re the most offensive — I do not like and do not write lyrics, which is characteristic of you by nature, and write “Bastards no mercy”, which is not memorable and the melodies are not so interesting!”

I am very interested in this ��of Amaya “Bastards no mercy”… had something aggressive, bombastic, marching-heroic. Found. Listen. Turned out to be just the opposite.

Reptiles no mercy, and no salvation bastards.

you will Meet a bullet, valiant bayonet Lee,

We the enemy said, don’t you bill?

Maybe you have the habit, maybe you forgot?

As you can see, no militancy — very funny jazz ditties that Leonid Utesov sings with humor and irony.

do the Russians Want war?

Yes, we know how to fight,

But do not want to again

the Soldiers fell in the battle

On the land of his bitter.

Ask you mothers,

Ask my wife,

And then you have to understand,

I Want a Russian, want a Russian,

do the Russians Want war.

Can you imagine that for a Patriotic song cursed? How! And do not think primitive that was blamed for “lack of patriotism”. It happened that and Vice versa. And criticism of the leaders of the culture in the address of artists could be justified. Was, for example, the case of Sergei Prokofiev, who before the war tried to please Stalin, writing loyalty cantata on texts of classics of Marxism-Leninism. And were abruptly stopped in their stride. Criticized and for the song. Sometimes in the case — stood guard quality. But sometimes the criticism has been biased and unfair. That is what happened to Edward and his Kolmanovskii real song masterpiece “do the Russians Want war” by Yevgeny Yevtushenko. This song was born with the filing of Mark Bernes, who was not only an outstanding artist and singer, he had a phenomenal ability to “order” the composers of the songs, which are absolutely turned out to be then a greatest hits. For the song “ran”, by the way, not party ideology, and his fellow-composers. Felt colleagues “strangeness” of the song — stung. What was subversive in this song, which appeared in 1961, in the midst of a thaw? The song “do the Russians Want war” — a call to the world to be played without any pathos, without officialdom, so informal and intimate — was also very political and deeply personal statement from the first person: “you Ask mothers ask MY wife…” the World translated it into different languages. But colleagues considered it to be too pacifist. And marshevet seemed suspiciously similar to the tango. The composer was criticized. Started in the press. Then convened the Board of the Moscow composers ‘ organizations. The meeting was chaired by Kirill Molchanov. Fellow composers ‘ workshop had been quite unpleasant.

“you Know, comrade Kolmanovsky… you say that your songs are popular… But popularity is not the primary factor. There are different types of ��of popularnosti, Eduard Savelevich. The popularity of “A” when the people love, and professionals do not accept, just the same your case, comrade Kolmanovsky. So it costs nothing! The popularity of “B”, when the song admired by professionals is much more honorable. The popularity of “In”…”

But then Kolmanovsky interrupted his opponent: “And please tell me which category your songs? Accidentally classified as “G”?

near the village of Kryukovo killed platoon

Went on the attack, the furious

the Forty-first year.

near the village of Kryukovo

dies the platoon.

the shot,

no More grenades…

They survived only seven

Young men.

great mother


near the village of Kryukovo killed the platoon.

the Poet Sergey Ostrov was exempt from conscription bad eyesight. In the first weeks of the war, during the General mobilization, he recited poems to the recruiting station, encouraging going to the front fighters. “And then one day, recalled the poet, my reading began to interrupt the shouts of officers: 52-I command output, the 37th team on the way out. Conscripts fled and I was left alone. I suddenly got burned by a burning sense of shame. I thought: I campaign, and he somehow remains in the rear”. And then Ostrov volunteered for the front in the militia. On 5 July 1941 together with a battalion of Kolomna workers were sent from Moscow marching March under Vyazma, where in those days it was expected the attack of German tanks. Ostrov said: “we had one rifle-the semiautomatic for ten people, and it in hands before that no one kept. It was assumed that the weapon we get in a fight. Commissioner we seriously advised: “How will go on the attack, rattle pots and loudly shout “hurrah!”

on the Eve of battle he was recalled to Moscow: the resolution of the political Department to establish in each military edition post “the writer in the newspaper”. And writers were in demand for their line of specialty. And the next day in a terrible battle, repulsing tank attacks of the Nazis, the whole battalion of militia was destroyed to a man. Such events do not go unnoticed. Especially for a poet. In 1974 Sergey Ostrov with composer mark Fradkin extraordinary by writing a song specifically for “Samotsvety” — “advanced” was mark Fradkin, by this time, the 60-year-old Maestro, people’s artist, laureate of state prize. The song “near the village of Kryukovo killed platoon” does not fit in any standard military style. Calm, light music, narrative tone, the flowing melody, as if written for a completely different text. Must be something about the field, about flowers, about birds, not about what “they survived only seven young from��dates.” The song is written in major key that is generally not characteristic of Soviet songs, which are totally minor — at least in love lyrics, even in songs about Lenin and the party. And besides, “Gems”, though timidly and carefully, “Soviet-style”, but still used in their arrangements rock style, expertly giving “belovskoe” polyphony. But because the song sounded like a kind of rock ballad. Its success was enormous. She was named “Song of the year”.

Here the final snippet of the song, it bears a message that is sincere and talented poets and composers of the Soviet era was broadcast today.

I Otpical fire

The distant year…

near the village of Kryukovo

were infantry platoon.

Giving of honor

stand In silence

the guard at the sad hill

Seven soldiers.

where it fell with glory

The immortal platoon

There noise, noise pine high,

Bird’s nest Vietnamese.