Hes above the barriers

But he is still motivated to score and is going to fight for missing Olympic gold at the Games in Tokyo, even for pandemic coronavirus them and suffered for a year with summer 2020 summer 2021-th.

Sergey, now the most pressing question – how do you handle the isolation?

Sergey Shubenkov: I am at home in Barnaul. I would like to say that nothing really has changed. But this is not true. Feel embarrass anymore of the different nice get-togethers and events.

Did they had the time, so to speak, in ordinary life?

Sergey Shubenkov: with family and friends to spend time always managed. Another thing is that this is not always desirable when there is heavy loads. Now such training is not prohibitive, not yet. They could be, if we were preparing in may to start the season. But probably it would not start even in June. Therefore we with the trainer have decided to extend the preparatory period and the maximum speed not to go. Yet.

How do you train? In the flat?

Sergey Shubenkov: we do not Have such strict isolation, as in Moscow. A house is recommended, but to go outside, do Jogging, work on cross I allow myself. Was at the training camp in Sochi, had planned that the family will come to me. But then the fees canceled. And then the private database, where I wanted to stay, too canned. There were quite a few people. The owners just was not profitable to maintain. Had to move back home.

some of the challenges that social networks are satisfied with the athletes themselves, or projects online training for lovers involved?

Sergey Shubenkov: recently spent a morning exercises in the framework of the project of their sponsor. Challenges and videos with training professional athletes – also a good topic. Interesting to see who else gets out what comes up. In fact it is something that unites us all. No not leave the house, and to move as it is necessary.

to host online training for its fans probably need some coaching, even teaching skills? You have all the movements on the machine, and ordinary people need to explain everything correctly? You have some kind of experience been?

Sergey Shubenkov: I conducted master classes, including for the foreign audience. But it’s all for the kids and live. Any teacher will tell you that the desired contact with the audience. Online it is not. This wildly complicates things. But I think that the main objective of such events is not to teach. It’s important for kids just to get together to talk, to move, together it is interesting to spend time. Passed online training for an adult audience, but also more for entertainment so that people do not fall into UNinie, not immersed in depression. Maybe someone will be able to motivate, to lift the mood and remind me that we have to do.

last year on the stage of “Diamond League” in Rabat at the finish you knocked down Jamaican Omar McLeod. You got injured, was out of action for a couple of months. Now here is the new downtime…

Sergey Shubenkov: can Not call it downtime. But the situation was different. Was 2016, when competitions were few, when Russian athletes were not allowed to the Olympic Games, when it was not clear how to train. You rightly said that 2019 was the year when I was injured after that incident. I had to adapt. Now a new situation. In these circumstances, you need to find yourself.

But the old freedom in isolation from valued more?

Sergey Shubenkov: actually, as I remember, I was always home. When I was young and needed the girls to walk, I have serious doubts arose on the word “walk”. Corny had not the strength. Load specific training. So I just wanted to sit at home and relax. So walk only with very beautiful girls, for which it was possible to suffer. Now I have a little boy. A beautiful wife. At home I feel good. There is always something to do. There is nothing that I sit and toil from idleness, or don’t know what to do with myself. So life is not much different from before the quarantine. You should also go to the store or order food, do some chores, chat with friends online, spend one to two training sessions a day.

Tell us about your tandem coach Sergey Klicovym. For many years you are at a high level. Even after the injury was able to get in shape and win the world Championships “silver”. By what?

Sergey Shubenkov: it is Difficult in few words to explain. This is a great skill of my trainer. He more than 20 years the technique worked out. Why does it work? Because it’s the system. We clearly know what physical qualities are needed in order to run fast it is the barriers, know what exactly I what to pull, what to focus once again, and what things not to pay attention. Well, I for years in the sport matured, you know what I’m doing. I have all the right motivation. I will never mow the workouts, something to leave unfinished, some pity to show, when it is not needed

Pass the winter season that you practice first year, is also one of the cogs of the mechanism?

Sergey Shubenkov: You could say that. The main goal is to preserve the health. Not to waste the resources of the body, which is also not infinite. This is usually done for sports longevity.

You are now 29. What is your longevity in the sport?

Sergey Shubenkov: And who would have known how I’d turn out. But the examples before our eyes there. People and 38 have won Olympic medals. Know a guy who’s 44 years old. Sprinter from Saint Kitts and Nevis Kim Collins. Everyone knows in the world of athletics. Very bright character. 60 m my fastest time ran in 2015, when he was 39 years old. Imagine the man on the peak came at this age.

Time for self-realization you have a lot…

Sergey Shubenkov: And this is also thanks to Klevtsova. He had me through the children’s, youth and Junior sport so that nothing was wasted, preserved all that is necessary to show it at the right time. I’m in those ages especially anything large did not win any world Championships. Even at the all-Russian tournaments are rarely won. But then when it grew, it turned out that I have something to run, it became clear how to train. And here I am. People confuse came up with the system and continues to try something new.

You are involved in this process? Or are you just a follower?

Sergey Shubenkov: first of all, comes up with Sergey. My task, first, all right and well to do. Secondly, to give feedback: it turns out that no, what is easy, what is difficult. In this respect, dialogue is required. Although at this level at times, talking is not necessary. And so he sees fit to work or not. For example, in 2018, we’re all well thought up and executed.

This is where you four times in a season ran out of 13 seconds in the 110 meter hurdles?

Sergey Shubenkov: the First time 13 seconds I spotted on the 2015 world Championships in Beijing, where he won the gold. It’s such a psychological and a symbolic landmark, which is a nice waddle. And in 2018, I ran even faster 12,98. The series was such: 12, 99 – 12, 92 – 12,95 – 12,97. For me it was another confirmation of the fact that my coach is doing just fine and knows what he’s doing. He knows what I need. And no one else better able to cope can not.

Elite club “faster 13” the hurdlers have?

Sergey Shubenkov: Virtual. Belt, we are not exactly handed (laughs). But everything is not so simple. There is, for example, the world record-holder American ARIS Merritt, who in 2012 won all and awesome run, and now somehow picks to its record of 12.80 seconds even get close can’t. Year on year is not necessary. It’s hard to predict what will happen with this or that leader. Maybe 22-year-old American student Grant Holloway who shot and won the world Cup in 2019, will like to learn. He’s training to score and will not be able to run fast. This also happens. People are different. Everyone has destiny in his own way formed. This elite club is cool. But seconds have to bring medals. DoomAyu, half the people on this list I don’t even know. Somewhere someone once accidentally something happened. And what if those results? Something better to win.

When the start 8-9 people, the focus can be confined to two, because they have a duel, a confrontation. You have such principled opponents have?

Sergey Shubenkov: an Obvious example last year – the same Omar McLeod, who is on the track not very nice comes. 2018 at the European Championships fought with the Spaniard Orlando Ortega and the Frenchman Pascal Martino-Lagarda. Pascal met for the first time in 2009, still at the Junior European championship. Ten years ago. Ortega on juniors ran when he played for Cuba. Still compete. All these people climbed on the podium at the world Cup in Doha.

the situation with the abolition and transfer of competitions, including the Olympics and the world Cup, may negatively affect results, e.g., due to failed cycles?

Sergey Shubenkov: can’t say. I don’t have a global four-year cycles. We have in the budget – billing period and planned. Preparing for the current season, keep the following in mind. Recurrence was much earlier. European Championships, world, Olympic Games and a year of rest. Had so many one-day races. Then the Championships began to do every two years, as the world Championships. But if this year held the Olympic games, it would be a very sad game.

we Can say that in the case of the Russian athletics transfer the Olympic games is good. During this time, you can resolve all issues at the neutral status, the restoration of our Federation in World Athletics?

Sergey Shubenkov: Can be so. Although in connection with these transfers, the international Federation is very tight busy redrawing of the calendar. They, apparently, are not before us. To solve the issues they should really deal with. In our Federation is also doing the best you can. But remote work is also not all clear.

Recently, the Presidium of wfla approved the composition of the athletes ‘ Commission. Elena Isinbaeva was elected Chairman. But you, Maria Laecken and Anzhelika Sidorova refused to participate in elections. Although you hyped this structure, you went to a meeting with representatives of WA. Worth the effort, no shame to turn back now?

Sergey Shubenkov: No, not hurt. On the one hand, it was interesting to participate because it is a new experience. Never been that we work so cohesively, so active to even go to Monaco for receiving the head of World Athletics. Our activity in the end and did not like the new leadership of the club. It’s hard to comment. The Commission elected – fine. I’m not there for certain reasons. Roughly speaking, Iebya respect, if I don’t want to hear, so I won’t participate in it.

your General statement you have written that will continue to fight for the rights of athletes. How? Just publicly expressing his opinion on difficult points?

Sergey Shubenkov: We remain athletes the top level. And this position can Express their opinion. Under the previous Commission, we acted the same way. We discussed and made a joint statement. In principle, nothing changes.

You once said that communication with the leadership, the intervention in the disassembly given you a hard time. Your task is to train. How to find a compromise to to help, and still predominantly doing?

Sergey Shubenkov: It’s always a fine line. In my understanding, if all is well, the athlete is silent. When you have to turn on, then turn on. Here we are in Barnaul, it was the arena – even inferior and old, but was. And then again and he was gone. Was some kind of work on the restoration of wfla, and then everything stopped. It became clear that can no longer be tolerated. These are situations when the edge. We were a little shout attracted the attention, made a statement, went to the press conference. Further need other people to understand. And we continue to train.

at the beginning of our conversation you said that the problems with the motivation you have. What makes move forward – an Olympic medal?

Sergey Shubenkov: Why a medal? Gold! The medals I have, of course, also. But I want to win. Everything else has already won world championship, European championship, final and General classification of “Diamond League”. There is only one main award.

Sergey Shubenkov was born on 4 October 1990 in Barnaul.

Sergei’s Mother Natalya Shubenkova, Vice-champion of Europe in 1986 in the heptathlon, multiple champion of the USSR, the participant of Olympic games in 1988.

Shubenkov admits that eventually went on the track in her footsteps. Although initially was engaged in karate and Boxing, and swimming, and hockey, and football. The hurdles moved in 12 years. In the group of Sergei Klevtsov future champion mother led.

Now Sergey Shubenkov, one of the leaders of Russian and world athletics. He’s the world champion of 2015, the three-time European champion. The champion of Russia on a distance of 110 metres with barriers (of 12.92 sec). Honored master of sports of Russia.

he is married and has a son.

*This is an extended version of the text published in the “RG”