If moss spreads in the garden, it not only looks unsightly, it can also harm other plants. We reveal three simple methods to successfully combat moss.

Mosses are true survivors. They can grow almost anywhere and only need water and a few nutrients, some of which they can even absorb from the air.

Removing areas of moss, which can often appear unsightly and unkempt in the garden, is often a challenge for many garden owners.

We have three simple tips on how you can get rid of moss without using moss removers.

Conventional cola can be used to combat moss on all stone surfaces due to the phosphoric acid it contains. Since the cola dye is not strong enough to discolor stones, it is ideal, for example, for removing moss from house walls, garden walls or garden slabs.

To do this, you need to apply the cola undiluted to the moss several times and allow it to take effect. Then rinse the moss areas with clean water and then remove them with a hard brush.

In contrast to chemical moss killers, Cola is not toxic and also prevents new moss infestations.

Since moss grows best on moist soil, you can prevent moss growth in the lawn by spreading a layer of building sand on the affected areas of the lawn once a year after mowing the lawn for the first time so that the tips of the grass only stick out about a centimeter. This causes the moss to die over time.

However, this tip takes a longer time to see visible success.

In order to effectively and long-term remove moss areas in the lawn, you can scarify the lawn. A scarifier is used to cut through the superficial roots of mosses, grasses and weeds and remove the moss along with the thatch.

Scarifying can also be generally good for the lawn because it loosens the soil so that air, water and nutrients can penetrate the soil more easily.

The original for this article “Three simple tips help against moss in the garden” comes from chip.de.