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It was the sudden stop here, as any other place. But we who work with animals have still a job to do. The dogs will still have just as much activity and food, even if no tourists come.

Ane and Jan Klaudiussen have driven opplevelsesbedriften in inner Troms, in a total of 12 years.

Photo: Private

Without the guests were all that it was going to be a tough job. Now is the holder of Bardu Huskylodge, Ane Klaudiussen, enough with the snow up to the knees. But instead of shoveling up 84 hundehus, as she usually does at this time, need she now “only” shoveling up 34.

during the course of the last week has people in the village collected 50 of the huskyene to have them in “foster homes”.

People have said that they have seen that we need help, and that they will set up. There have been so many phones that we now have had to say that we do not need more help. It is absolutely fantastic, ” says Ane.

Through eight years have the couple taken tourists out on long walks, often in several weeks with the team, from the place their Bones at Setermoen in inner Troms.

Photo: Jan Klaudiussen Let out a Facebook email

Ane and Jan Klaudiussen had just embarked on a 13-day trip with the tourists when they are on the way realized that it would be a while until the next time.

the sudden stop in the flow of tourists because of koronautbruddet means for the couple’s part means that they lose six weeks of the season. Six weeks is 30 percent of the revenue for a business that has about 100 guests on long voyages in the year, Ane says.

” We have some loyal customers and therefore we already know that the guests are not necessarily lost, but that they want to come here later. There are others in the industry who have it far worse.

The 84 dogs are normal at this time inside the high season. A bit like a bunch of professional cross-country skiers, they have now topped form, but is without a job to go to.

” We thought that it is very low for the dogs. They are social and, together with the people throughout the winter. They are topptrente dogs that are accustomed to being on a long trip, and draw every day.

Without the guests, it would be difficult to give them the trips they need. Therefore, let Ane out a post on Facebook:

“Will you lend a well-trained and enthusiastic husky in a period of time?”

It wasn’t long before the phone began to ring.

Ane leave out a post on Facebook in hopes that someone could help them with the dogs.

Photo: screenshot Brought home two dogs

Jan-Frode Josefsen from Setermoen brought home two dogs, to the family great joy. They have long thought on if they should obtain a dog. Now they could kill two birds with one stone.

– We could both help Ane and Jan in a challenging situation, as well as test out hundelivet at home. So we have considered this breed and now we get testa out it also, says Josefsen.

Josefsen know not to Klaudiussen from before, but think it was a brave action made by the couple. He picked up the dogs last Saturday.

Jan-Frode Josefsen is very happy that they have taken to themselves two dogs. They are often on ski trips with the dogs.

Photo: Private

– They have been more husvarme and we are no longer strangers to them. The personality of your going also evident. The bitch is more exploratory and playful, while others are quiet as the day is long. They have a lot of company in each other.

All fosterforeldrene have also been joined by harnesses, fôrskål and food to their temporary family members.

You went from considering a dog to get you two pieces?

– Yes, we’ve thought about we should have this breed then we have to have two of them. They have a lot of company in each other so that they can be alone during the day and then we have each of our dog when we are on the tour, says Josefsen.

In the worst case, have Mia kill or sell dogs Koronakrisen leads to that the money runs out for turistbedriftene. More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoSiste nyttSpør NRK