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Before a week was the government and social partners agree on a national supervisor for the municipalities, among other things, to take into account local economic growth.

the confederation of Norwegian enterprise has gone hard out against the municipalities who have practiced strict entry and karanteneregler, because this affects the business sector.

Hyttefolket have left san francisco. But for those who are working to build the cabins, go daily life as normal. In each case, almost.

Martin Monné live in Elverum, norway, but has more jobboppdrag in the neighboring municipality of Trysil. Before hytteforbudet came he used to stay in familiehytta in Trysil to drop pendlingen. But it is the end.

the Consequence for me is more driving, longer days, and less effective work, ” he says.

Martin Monné believe hytteforbudet affects working people and is illogical.

Legal to stay in a hotel

FOLKETOMT: Hytteeierne has left the Trysilfjellet, but those who build cabins have full days.

Photo: Ola Matsson

It is forbidden to sleep in the cabin in a different municipality than the one you live in. It also applies to men.

But for those who need it should be able to do its job, the municipality opened for commercial accommodation.

It will say that workers from another municipality may hire a hotel room or a utleiehytte in Trysil, if they can documents that they have a job to do.

– It hangs not on the grip, believes Martin Monné. He believes there is a greater risk of infection by staying in a hotel, and besides, it’s too expensive.

– To rent accommodations, is out of the question. By then I had lost money every day, ” he says.

He believes hytteforbudet affects those who run the industry, and that it must come changes.

– It is important to make sure that we can do our job in the easiest way possible, ” he says.

– Can not provide exemptions

MAYOR: Erik Sletten, can not give the workers an exemption from the hytteforbudet.

Photo: Steve S. Eide / NRK

NRK have talked with artisans from Oslo who works with hyttebygging in Trysilfjellet. Also the calls for a more flexible arrangement with the possibility to stay at the cottage in the period jobboppdraget goods.

the Mayor of Trysil Erik Sletten says he cannot give a dispensation from the prohibition.

It may be that the regulation is for stivbeint, but we can’t change it, ” says Plain.

He says he thought it was sufficient to open for workers from other municipalities could rent out into a hotel.

We are committed to keeping your wheels in time, but if it needs more, is it something we could take up with the central authorities, ” he says.

the NHO supports the municipality of

the confederation of Norwegian enterprise support: Jon Kristiansen roses Trysil municipality.

Photo: Moment Studio/NHO

the regional director in NHO Innlandet, Jon Kristiansen, believes it is important to facilitate for the companies to get the job done.

But he believes Trysil municipality makes the right to deny working people to use their huts. He praises the municipality to be open for hotel accommodation, and believes companies can take the cost of putting up the price of the jobs they do.

I realize that some businesses may perceive this as difficult, but here I think that the Trysil municipality is doing absolutely right. They relate to what the authorities say.

For walls Martin Monné, it is not appropriate to pay for hotel accommodation.

– If you can document that you are working, it should be possible to apply for exemption, ” says Monné.

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