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Nyquist had plans to be at the familiehytta in Etnedal in Valdres this easter. The they can’t travel to because they live in Lillehammer. 38-year-old let out a post on Facebook and asked if anyone would be willing to rent out the cabin to say at Nordseter.

– I received a positive response from very many. There were several who quickly got in touch and said they were interested. Also people who are not normally hire out their huts, ” says Kaja Nyquist.

Hytteforbodet says that a man cannot sleep in cabins outside the heimkommunen.

Need miljøskifte

the Family of five has only been home since 12. march. En gler them to get a few days at a cabin in the vicinity of where they live, and plan risk-free activities together.

Right now, there are not particularly many other possibilities than to rent a cabin in his own municipality. With three ungar, from we decide to go on a trip until we are in skiløypa, take the fort two hours. It is easier if we are in nature from before, she says.

GD talked about the issue first.

RENTALS: More want other people to get utilizing the cabin when they do not even have the opportunity to travel there because of hytteforbod.

Photo: Screenshot,

Hire out for the first time

The last time have several laid out their huts on utleigesider that, so that the local population can use it while forbodet debt. It has also appeared the new “hyttebytte”pages on Facebook.

HIRE OUT: Hilde Helene Rustad to rent out the old cabin say. She was greatly concerned to find people she could trust, that she might rent out, for later also.

Photo: Private

– It is a pity that this koselege cabin mi stands empty in the påskedagane. That not it is full of life and happy people, ” says Hilde Helene Rustad.

Oslo, norway-the woman hath an old skihytte at Nordseter from 1889. She was going to be there too this easter. Instead, she shall rent it out for the very first time.

She hire out via a friend, to a Lillehammerfamilie she know will take good care of the cabin with her. Although it is sad to not be able to be there yourself, is she happy to be able to please others.

– It is several påsker and so the situation is no one should not dwell long on it. The most important thing is that a man gets used the cabin, she says.

Disappointed that you do not get to go on holiday at easter? Then this might be a possibility – the Cabin is deleobjekt

Marianne Elisabeth Lien is professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo. She has done on norwegians and their relationship to the cabin and think it is very nice that people want to share.

– Almost every second Norwegian has access at the cabin because grandchildren, siblings, and other get to use it. So it is not a far step to say that another family can borrow it, she says.

the THING ITSELF: Marianne Elisabeth Lien has done on hytteliv and says it is natural to search for the cabin in a crisis. They did also during the war, she says.

Photo: Anne Mone Nordahl / NRK

She thinks it does not, it is a wonder that we want us to the mountains when it is easter, even if it perhaps means that one should be in any other to say the cabin in years.

– We strive all the marking that it is easter. And to make a break in this life where one cannot do the normal things, ” says Lien.

She says we are committed to do the same as we always do in the solemn feasts. But underlines that not all tend to be at the cottage.

– It is also a commitment in time. About easter go by as a normal week, we think: “is it already our? It has not been easter?”.

Understand the cabin-instinct

Hytteforbodet has created a huge debate. And it has been writing about people who have tried various creative solutions to work around forbodet.

the Professor think it is a natural feeling that a search of the cabin in an emergency. Because we think that we can fix us even there.

– It is enough more than me that has thought that, if there is a crisis so I can travel in the cabin. Then I can put some potatoes and perhaps shoot a hare, ” says Marianne Lien.

After koronakrisa hit us, it is several times mentioned that there has not been a major crisis in Norway since the war.

And what did we then? All that dwelt in Oslo that could travel out from city, it did. It was completely logical. There is such a think now. Oslo is the epicenter, then a, however, is that people will away, ” says Lien.

UNDERSTANDING: Marianne Elisabeth Lien has done on people and the cabin. She understands why we want to get there during the week of easter.

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