Yale University maintains a “disgrace list” of all companies that continue to trade with Russia despite the sanctions. Among them are also many German companies. What it’s all about.

Dubbed the “Shame List”: Since the war began in February, Yale University has published a continuously updated list of all companies and firms that continue to trade with Russia or do business there.

According to their own statements, the team led by scientist Jeffrey Sonnenfeld uses public and non-public sources such as whistleblowers or direct contacts to senior employees to obtain information.

There are over 1,200 companies on this list – including many from Germany. According to the university, the list does not claim to be complete. And: There is no legal evaluation, it is rather a moral “pillory” list.

In the worst category “F” of the list, which means “business-as-usual” in Russia, there are 241 companies for Germany. These include Fresenius, Globus and Remondis. Fresenius informed the “Berliner Zeitung”: . “To set off human lives against each other in order to weaken certain political regimes would be unethical.” The group operates around 100 dialysis centers in Russia and supplies hospitals with medicines.

The retail giant Globus told the newspaper: “In Russia, Globus is currently only focusing on its core business, the basic supply of food to the civilian population.” The classification in the list is viewed critically.

And Remondis reports that it will continue to assume responsibility for the employees in the sub-companies in Saransk, Russia, and in the Belarusian capital, Minsk. It was therefore “decided to continue to perform our services for our customers and clients.”