Coronavirussen have been among us for some months. Yet there are people who do not know to the disease and crisis.

There is a French crew who is on board a submarine far below the ocean’s surface.

the Crew went on board, before coronakrisen was a fact. It writes Aftonbladet.

however, It is normal procedure to keep the crew away from the outside world, while they are of the place. Therefore, they have not access to the internet.

Dominique Salles, a retired admiral, certify to the nyhedsagenturet the AP that the crew is unaware of the world situation.

“They don’t know it. The boys on the board need to be fully focused on their tasks.”

the Captain of the submarine is most likely been informed about the coronavirussen, but without having the specific details.

Le Triomphant, who is a former skibslæge, think that the crew gets a surprise, when they come into port.

“Under the sea is the only place where you are truly separated from all the information. They will not have experienced the crisis, as we do with fear and hard quarantine. It comes as a nasty surprise for them.”

the Crew will get the required information about the whole situation, just before they go in the country.

When the crew exactly is gone on board, is not known, since it is a state secret.

But under normal circumstances, at sea between 60 and 70 days.