“to be extra cautious suspend we temporarily filming of ‘Riverdale’.”

this is a message from a spokesperson at mediekoncernen Warner Bros, which is producing the popular series.

It happens after an employee in the production has been in contact with a coronasmittet person.

According to Warner Bros it is unknown whether the person who was now in quarantine, is a part of the skulespillerholdet or production, it writes Variety.com

“We have been made aware that a member from ‘Riverdale’, which is being produced in Vancouver, has been in recent contact with a person who has been tested positive for the covid-19. The person is currently in the process of a medical assessment,” says Warner Bros.

“We are working together with sunhedsmyndighederne in Vancouver to identify and contact all persons who have been in direct contact with this person.”

It is not the first time, the series, which so far have lived in four seasons, must pause.

It came to pass also, as Luke Perry, who played the character Fred Andrews, suddenly died of a brain haemorrhage in march last year.

the Authors would then spend a little time getting written the popular actor out of the series.

‘Riverdale’ is not the only u.s. tv-production, which has been hit by the fast-spreading coronavirus.

CBS, which make the program ‘Survivor’, has chosen to suspend the production of season number 41.

The american edition of ‘Robinson’ to start filming in ferieparadiset Fiji at the end of march, but now it is unknown as to when the adventurous participants will depart.