Tragic end of a boxing match: In Garching, Bavaria, a 38-year-old fell unconscious to the ground. Paramedics rushed to help. According to initial reports, fans are said to have prevented them from rescuing. An eyewitness disagrees. Ultimately, any help came too late, the man died in hospital.

The 38-year-old boxer Musa Yamak died in a boxing match in Garching (Bavaria). The light heavyweight suffered a heart attack during the fight. So Yamak wanted to compete in the third round, but then collapsed unconscious, as reported by the Internet portal “Boxen1”.

Paramedics present wanted to rush to the man’s aid. But as reported by Bayerischer Rundfunk, around 50 fans harassed and disturbed the rescuers. The result was a large-scale police operation. A total of 15 patrol cars and a special unit moved in to secure the rescuers.

A kickboxer who should have fought shortly after Yamak contradicts this representation in an interview with FOCUS Online: “As far as I know, the deceased is the organizer’s brother. Those responsible and the spectators there have done everything to ensure that he is treated as quickly as possible.”

Yamak started at the beginning of Round 3 and ran straight towards the center of the ring. “Then he suddenly fell over,” says the eyewitness. “He hadn’t taken any serious hits before and there wasn’t a hit just before he fell over. I still saw that he had a funny look. But it happened without any outside influence.”

The ring doctor and the emergency workers immediately fell into the ring. The ring ropes were immediately dismantled to facilitate access to the ring, says the eyewitness. “Nobody blocked anything there. Nobody in our scene would do that.”

The 38-year-old was taken to an ambulance. And again fans would have prevented a smooth process, according to some reports. Around 30 of them are said to have followed the paramedics and disturbed them. The police had to intervene again. The eyewitness: “I saw that the spectators left the hall soon after the incident. The organizer canceled the event. And of course, the boxer’s friends and family drove to the hospital. But I can’t imagine that paramedics were disturbed there.”

Musa Yamak later died in hospital. According to from the consequences of a heart attack. Yamak was a professional boxer, boxed at Robin Krasniqi events, among other things, and was most recently WBF International Champion.