Max Fadeev told about the technique that helped him lose a ton of excess weight. It doesn’t require any cost, says the producer.

Weight Fadeev dropped not for once and get rid of pounds gradually — eight in a month. He did not take special medication for losing weight, refused most foods, shared way of losing weight Fadeev in his personal blog.

In order to lose weight, as the producer, a lot of money is not necessary. All you need is water to temperature and the number of products that can be eaten, neither in what does not refusing. But first, have to pass tests to understand, what with hormones.

If they’re all right, you have lost weight. If there is a failure, it will be necessary to control hormones and then start losing weight — said the musician.

Publish from MAXIM FADEEV (@fadeevmaxim) 3 Jul 2020 3:30 PDT

A detailed diagram of the methodology Fadeev promised to lay out in the next two weeks. The producer concluded by expressing surprise that the news of his weight loss became so popular and sparked heated debate.

Earlier reported that producer Maxim Fadeev answered rude comment subscribers will in the social network with the Council “to cease to eat”. He followed after the producer, who dropped the 100 kg, has posted his portrait with a signature.