According to the Pension Fund of Russia, represented in the Russian tripartite Commission (available at the disposal of “RG”), 1 April to 20 June, employers reported the dismissal of 3.52 million people and hiring 2.86 million Often dismissed from healthcare organisations and education, construction industry, commercial enterprises. For example, from hospitals took more than 100 thousand people.

the Huge cuts did not happen, but according to 20 June, in the mode of incomplete working hours worked more than half a million people, almost as many were in simple (mostly employees of the sanatorium-resort organizations, establishments, airports). For simple, under the law, employers are required to pay 2/3 of the average wage. But, apparently, not all employers were able to do it. There were those who sent employees on leave without pay. On 20 June was more than 100 thousand people who went to such leave. On a remote work were 2.17 million people.

In the period of the pandemic was closed dental clinics, institutions of additional education, says associate Professor of the chair of the chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation “Development of human capital” Lyudmila Ivanova-Shvets. The part of the physicians did not want to work “red zones”, preferring to resign or go on unpaid leave. “In many areas has developed a polar situation is a tremendous burden on teachers of secondary schools and universities and the almost complete lack of work in further education, almost daily duty in coronavirus zones and the lack of work with dentists, otolaryngologists,” says Ivanova-Shvets.