Regions are ready to consider the industry of secondary resources as one of the priorities of its economic activity. However, on the way we have to build an infrastructure of interaction of all market participants. The global trend of resource saving due to Russia not only the environmental agenda and the establishment of a comprehensive system of safe waste management, but also a number of economic assumptions. First and foremost, the need to optimize production processes. For example, energy consumption in the production of secondary aluminium is 20 times less primary processing and in the field of ferrous metallurgy, the figure is three times less while substantially reducing harmful emissions.

the Response to technical aging and withdrawal from exploitation of the production capacity of the extractive industries was adopted in 2018 Strategy to industry for processing, recycling and neutralization of wastes of production and consumption. It targets announced the creation of 70 ekotermoprom and 220 new production and technical facilities for handling, recycling and disposal of waste. The share of imported equipment will be reduced from 60 percent in 2016 to 10 percent in 2030. However, for more effective implementation of the provisions of the document need to develop some additional incentives.

Now, according to expert estimates, Russia is processed no more than 9 percent of the debris. For this indicator, we are significantly behind leading countries, where processed and sold for use in different spheres of production to 90 percent of household garbage. Modern technology allows on an industrial scale to recycle paper and plastic, glass and aluminum, iron, fabric and even the asphalt. In addition, as fuel you can use and landfill biogas, but in Russia this technology is not widely applied.

the Main obstacle to the creation of a new recycling industry in our country, according to experts, is the lack of separate collection and sorting of waste. “The sad statistics of collection of secondary raw materials indicates a low level of ecological education of the population. Poorly developed procurement database, the lack of a common information space, fragmentation, and often unwillingness to exchange information between enterprises-suppliers and processors, the lack of state support has led to the current situation in the industry. At the same time, the past few years were significant for the sphere of waste management: the designated priority of their recycling strategy is developed, the revised legislation. In fact, it began the formation of a new industry”, – stated in the Association for the development of the environmental industry “Secondary re��URSA”.

to Form a full-fledged market for the industry of secondary resources is available from the regions, who is today responsible for the preparation of territorial plans at the municipal solid waste management, the choice of regional operators and the installation rate. However, there have already emerged a number of problematic aspects to be solved. Thus, the attorney General said about systemic violations at the regional level. According to representatives of the Ministry, oversight activities have revealed serious problems in the transition regions to new forms of treatment of MSW. Contrary to the requirements of the law in half of the subjects, regional operators did not ensure timely removal of the wastes are not eliminated illegal dumps. In the third region, the landfills do not meet environmental and sanitary requirements, and local authorities withdrew from the establishment and maintenance of places of waste accumulation.

Now in Russia work about 2,5 thousand of plants for the processing of recyclable materials, only 432 of these enterprises there are in the Moscow region. They loaded on 40 percent, including evidence of shortcomings in logistics. As said the Deputy Director – the head of the company’s environmental management “Ekostroyresurs” Catherine Lutsenko, the first step towards the realization of the experiment on separate collection in the Samara region this year made in Novokuybyshevsk, but the first results are not positive. “People do not understand why you need to sort waste. Many say that there is no economic interest. And we also do not understand how to “make concessions” to those who trash after all sorts,” she notes.

it is Obvious that only a direct economic interest of participants, from consumers of housing services and ending with the playgrounds out of recycled materials will help to engage them in production and recycling. To this end, the Ministry has also proposed to consider the bill on promotion of utilization of recycled resources derived from municipal waste. The document provides for the inclusion in the legislation on industrial policy section on resource. The main message of the bill is the priority use of the useful fractions of MSW as a raw resource for the production of industrial products.

This principle has already been laid in preparation of the projects of construction of plants for energy recovery of waste in the Moscow region and the Republic of Tatarstan in the framework of the pilot project of the company “RT-invest” “Energy from waste”, which is implemented in the framework of the national project “Ecology”. As explained by General Director of “RT-invest” Andrey Shipalov, there are all necessary Finance and expertise to give new impulses for the development of the industry. “Priority will be give�� innovative start-UPS with possible scaling up throughout the country. The size of investment in one project can vary from 500 thousand to 2 million dollars. Total investment business accelerator in the next three years will amount to 10 million dollars,” he said.

as the considered support areas for today are highlighted in the technology of sorting and recycling of MSW, including using machine vision and artificial intelligence, innovative products and services in the field of waste management, technology of processing industrial waste, as well as projects in energy efficiency and logistics of TKO. In particular, one of the regional operators already supply selected from TKO cullet for further use in the manufacture of insulating materials Yegoryevsk. Until recently, the glass manufacturer was forced to buy this secondary resource in Belarus.

Another incentive for the development of the industry can be a involving products from recycled materials in government contracts, along with the introduction of modern systems of flow control of municipal waste will increase as the quality of raw materials and efficiency in this market. Thus, harmonization of the legal framework, economic incentives households and businesses, involved in separate collection and recycling of MSW are able to create full incentives for the development of the industry of recycling resources.