Coronavirus is not spared and our editorial. Ten of our sick colleagues spoke about how he could be infected for the first symptoms and the course of the disease. And yet – that, according to everyone, it helped him to fight COVID-19.

the Red wings of the nose, unexpected reactions to alcohol, situation when living in an apartment does not show any “coronavirus” signs and even fat, which is “love light” – all this and more in ten case histories.

the farther coronavirus running time, the more obvious it becomes that the disease is caused by the ill-fated virus, all occurs differently. Yes, there are General symptoms, confirmed by mass of specific manifestations, but the fact that this disease is insidious, variable and unpredictable, is also confirmed by the non-trivial cases.

Take our newspaper.

Journalists — second only to doctors candidates for infestation. Airports, hospitals, airplanes, trains — all our facilities where we have worked and continue to work (the work directly in the newspaper and on the website for many runs on remote). So it is natural that some of us fell down from the unequal battle with the virus.

When we shared personal experiences (of infection, of the disease and its features), I received a very informative and in many ways unexpected picture where everyone has their own unique episode. We decided to share our collective experience with the readers of “MK” — maybe it will help someone and will be navigating this strange and terrible flood of the pandemic called COVID-19.

so, ten people: seven confirmed and three unconfirmed diagnosis, but what it was that the three never in doubt. Two Kati (hereinafter No. 1 and No. 2), Marina, Tanya, Yvette, Vladimir Putin, Natasha, Inna and her husband Dima.

Among us, fortunately, there is no heavyweight of kolenikov (resuscitation, ventilators and other), although one still landed in the hospital for three weeks. But we can not say that everyone was (still is) a mild form and that we got off lightly. Each has experienced its unpleasant moments, hours and even weeks. But, to the honor of our profession, never left work.

the symptoms of most: in eight out of ten — the fever (of 37.8–39.5 C), body aches, especially wandering on the back — from shoulder blades to lower back, dry mouth, cough, anosmia (loss of smell) and, of course, classic COVID-19 — “frosted glass” during CT examination of the lungs.

First signs: “Strongly reddened nose”

Tanya (contracted from my mother at the end of March, was treated at home): “I scrubbed the nails orange. Zest hit the nose, but I didn’t feel anything. Coffee, shower gel — smells ceased to exist.”

Ka��I No. 1 (source unknown, got sick in early April, was treated at home): “On the third day gradually began to disappear the smell and taste of food. At first I didn’t feel like it smells with thyme, then alcohol and perfume. The latter gave up coffee. One morning, learned from her husband that he tried to take the stain with kerosene, the smell which I don’t tolerate. But I didn’t feel at all. And Yes — there was no nasal congestion, no runny nose.”

Kate No. 2 (contracted to “Sheremetyevo” in April, spent three weeks in the hospital): “On the fourth or fifth day lost sense of smell. We with Pauline (daughter) running around inside of our insulated box and sniffing everything. Especially since I was out of options (food was dietary, steam and did not smell), most got the banana cream and deodorant. No-th-th! I believe that this kovid is.”

But still painful in our company was one exception to the General rule.

Marina (contracted in Saint-Petersburg in the beginning of March, was treated at home): “From the beginning, as I felt was wrong, was three times a day to measure temperature. Throughout April, she stayed at an “unprecedented height” and 35.4. While the prohibitive aduceti, which complained of my colleagues did not feel. It was kind of like another seasonal viral respiratory infection. But no coughing,a sore throat, only the head was somewhat heavy.”

Despite the General symptoms (including plus/minus), each one began differently.

Tanya: “the First symptom is chest congestion I felt in the evening and in the morning — a sharp pain in the abdomen and occasional vomiting”.

Vladimir Putin (assumes that you got infected from my son in early may was home sick): “for Two days I walked around the house for twenty minutes. The first day everything went fine; I went home and felt little chills. Measured temperature is 38.0”.

Marina: “in the morning, standing at the mirror, found sharply reddened nose. Not the whole nose and the wings. Called the friend of an experienced doctor with rich international connections. The doctor said that our foreign colleagues know that this is a sure sign COVID-19. The red wings and not a trace.

And unexpected reactions to alcohol. Not knowing what I have picked up this infection, have a drink with a friend, who had not seen the whiskey a little, 100 grams of ice all evening. Night was hell: no pain, but there was a feeling that I am leaving this world. Ask what hurts? No-th-th! Spun, shook, strained, in the morning forgotten troubled sleep.”

the disease: “as If every cell breaks apart”

Tanya: “except For the first two days of illness all of April I worked. The state of the vegetable was kept for a month. Difficulty concentrating, feeling like slogging to their own thoughts through dense fog or yesterday’s pudding. To a sense of global weakness (one desire — where you stand there and lie down, and just not get up!) increased tachycardia. Whenever I drank hot tea or tried to eat something, it seemed that the heart would jump through my throat. Hunger is not felt at all, but thirsty constantly. Water suppressed (and continue to) like a sperm whale”.

Natasha (source unknown, got sick in early may, was treated at home): “after a few days of left eye, got barley, but after the day is gone. On brush hands and knees rash disappeared in a few days, all the days of the chest was a light “tickling”.

Kate No. 2: “Aching muscles when it feels like every cell is broken within itself, and this pain wandering all over my body… Once began a wild headache, even had to beg the nurses to give the shot. At first, stupidly the whole day sleeping, waking only to answer the phone (called around the world, the most exotic conversation was with Peru), to interview, to give an interview (I was one of the first cases of journalists and therefore in great demand), to write an article”.

Bob (source unknown, got sick at the end of April, was treated at home): “the behavior Pattern of the temperature was predictable: in the morning in a horizontal position from 37.2°C fell to 36.9°C, and in the adoption of the vertical position for 18 hours was accelerated up to 38.4° to 23 hours fell to 37.7 is 37.9, and the next morning it was repeated”.

Yvette (contracted from the father, who became ill in mid-April, was treated at home): “Almost all the time slept and drank water. Of the drugs took only antipyretic: helped with the fever, and aching muscles. So continued for two and a half weeks, and then itself passed.”

Kate No. 1: “the Weakness persisted for about a week. Always wanted to sleep with his load could not cope. Once I decided to do exercises, and immediately realized that you can’t.”

Consequences: “Beyond thick blood”

Tanya: “I studied in clinics and received full confirmation of the abstracts by American doctors made a chilling statement: people 30-40 years COVID increases blood viscosity, and multiples increases the risk of stroke.

From the virus in the inheritance I received it prohibitively thick blood and a serious violation of circulation. The consequence of all this, still dizzy, feeling of running of the movement in the skull and the condition like going up in an Express Elevator”.

Marina: “there is a feeling that once again I want to breathe, because when you want to breathe, you feel like someone invisible from behind pulls ��voi light down. It took a month and a half, but still, if you stand for 20-30 minutes (cook soup, for example), begins quietly podnyat back, or the muscles. Passes quickly, when you lie down”.

Inna (sick at the end of April, had contracted from her husband, was sick at home): “Cough and anosmia so far, and nothing helps”.


the outset: some insights of our colleagues could not be confirmed by medical science. But then, they are personal conclusions.

Bob: “Inhalation on a steam bath up to 6 times a day, strong vitamin therapy, continuous ozonation of the premises”.

Tanya: “I Found at least a few of those symptoms that sound from each iron — run on CT of the lungs”.

Marina: “When pneumonia came to a standstill and refused to move in the direction of positive (10 days, maybe more), I remembered grandma’s advice (and she lived after all, 98 years old): “Easy love bacon”. Husband drove to the market, and now every morning for Breakfast I have a sandwich with Belarusian salsa.

Pneumonia, seem to appreciate the Belarusian salting and immediately behaved decently. At some point I even thought that she obnaglev, thin voice said, “for a drink, For a small pour, pour, pour. For a drink, for little than watered the horses…” But, bearing in mind the experience with the whiskey, did not give a single gram”.

Inna: “Support the body with vitamins. I could not pay attention to a low temperature, then it would be pereskazal loved ones, be held to the complications.”

Yvette “listen to yourself, monitor the temperature and the action or the action of drugs given to doctors. In some cases, antibiotics can rather to harm than to cure”.

Error which could be avoided

Tanya: “I should read less about COVID-19, but because of the profession it is impossible. The more you read, the more you are afraid.

the First few days of illness I was paralyzed by fear is a mistake. When you are scared, you only help the disease. Don’t be afraid!

Yes, it’s not a seasonal flu, not the usual SARS. Yes, if you don’t lie “Kommunarka” under the supervision of doctors, and trying to work and care for loved ones is very difficult.

But do not be horrified to watch a “frontline” reports — just live. It’s not the kind of enemy with which to move, he is invisible. The more relaxed you are, the wiser, the stronger you’ll be against it. The fear is much worse COVID-19″.

Infected if relatives and family members

Kate No. 1: “My son got infected. He had three days of high fever, came to 39.8. And then gradually descended. No other symptoms exist. However, after the disease popped stye (also characteristic of coronavirus infection)”.

Marina: “None of the d��of macadam — husband and his mother (92 years old) — not infected, and no signs have not appeared. No coughing, even the dog breed miniature Pinscher”.

Tanya: “my Mom got sick first, two days later I caught my 12 year old daughter. Her temperature stayed the night, then a couple of days have been mild cough. My husband is either not infected, which was a miracle, or suffered a disease without symptoms.”

Kate No. 2: “In my room at the hospital delivered my 17-year-old daughter with the same symptoms that I do. Her test showed the coronavirus. My first PCR was negative, but it took so so (turning her on the cheek and climbed to 5 mm in the nose, the techniques of proper conduct were not). But since the last few weeks sitting on the isolation Pauline spoke only to me, some other variants of the infection was not. As time went on, her tests were still positive, my lost one after another.”

ina:, “Mom and daughter got sick. We suspect that my husband was also COVID-19, because he too did not feel smells for three days, and, apparently, I want him to get infected. Although the doctor claimed that he had SARS, but his communication with me became worse not. Now he has no symptoms.”

Vladimir Putin: “as far As I know, my son doesn’t, although I have a suspicion that I caught it from him.”

Yvette “In our family, the infestation has begun with the Pope. The parents of the first symptoms a few days before me. The temperature does not fall below 39, and had severe shortness of breath, cough, weakness, lack of appetite and aching muscles.

both were diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia of varying severity, and then COVID-19. At first they were treated at home, but the prescribed medications did not help — week high fever, the cough was aggravated. Then put them in the hospital. Dad put on a drip and within a week poured different drugs. Now both the normal condition and tested negative for the virus.”

Overall conclusions: “no One knows what to do”

Kate No. 2: “I Believe that in a situation with this disease to implicitly trust doctors cannot. They are scared and confused, and they have too much responsibility, they are subject not more some patients. So I talk to multiple doctors, sometimes having the opposite point of view: take the General point of view and methods, which they say, and that each party does not reject. Conventional medicine did not help me in any way. I even reference what I had, no.”

Vladimir Putin: “I understand that doctors are now huge. But you can make people get through to the clinic at least an hour — a modern telephony allows you to do this. When organized direct��line with Putin, took up the phone on the third ring. Here people’s lives, their health, their psyche”.

Bob: “the Doctors say the incubation period of the virus is two weeks. This time, I think, in that case, if you have COVID-19 was on the hair and survived there for a week, and then you have it on the mucosa brought. This is a rare limiting case. In fact, I think in the domestic environment, the incubation period lasts from two to seven days. This statement is based on cases in my family and those other that I know.”

Kate No. 1: “If the condition worsened, I would have asked for help, but now it’s creepy for many reasons. First, the hospital is overloaded, the doctors or arrive late, or do not arrive. Second, still not exactly clear what to treat. Third, any communication with the medical staff in the current situation carries risks of infection. I thought so. And recently wrote the same thing in my social networks one doctor.”

Kate No. 2: “Then a friend called from the television, he became ill with pneumonia in early March, when nobody has been put coronavirus, and now passed plasma for the antibody, and it showed that they had not. Whether he was sick not the fact, whether the analysis took something wrong, whether what is happening is more dangerous than you might think.

What is the meaning of the appearance of the vaccine if antibodies to the virus are not produced? He said “lay low” until this all completes. How? I would like a happy ending. Actually I don’t know what to do… And no one knows.”

Read the article “Swing is a nightmare”: for undergoing coronavirus returned strange symptoms”