The 15 000 Euro prize for her life’s work in Bautzen-born photographer Evelyn Richter (90) receives, as the city announced on Thursday. The Jury stated that as a visual Chronicler of the long in Leipzig, employed photo artist look at the East German working and everyday worlds. “In its openness and non-occupying capability, the great topicality of Evelyn Richter’s photographic attitude is,” was the justification. The 5,000 Euro prize was awarded to the British Theo Simpson (33). The prizes to be awarded every two years. The exact date of the ceremony to the first two winners is not fixed yet.

The artists Bernd (1931-2007) and Hilla (1934-2015) mugs with photos of deserted industrial buildings famous. They founded the düsseldorf school, and teachers were later world famous artists such as Andreas Gursky. The Jury, Felix Krämer, the head of the Museum Kunst Palast, the son of the namesake of the price, Max Cup, as well as representatives from international museums, among others.

Düsseldorf is seeking to contract for a new Federal Institute for photography. However, one of the state Minister for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU) convened experts eat has a Commission recently, as the site recommended.
