But why “adult” theatre took the unusual repertoire?

– Because we are all parents. He brought up four children and clearly understand how the modern teenagers need support. But, getting into a difficult situation, they are either looking for it from peers, or completely closed. Often no good it does not, – shared with “RG” the head of the project, theatre Director Andrew Neupokoev. – I thought to solve this difficult problem together with specialists. To start invited to play a professional psychologist.

the Theme of the play was the story of first love. Skeptical Teens if changed. They “lit up”, began to discuss, to argue, to ask questions.

the Discussion is designed so that children do not communicate with the psychologist, and each other. Find themselves the right, in their opinion, the decision. Convinced that a way out of any situation, you can find, no matter how dramatic it may be. And this is a private experience that they will remember for a lifetime.

“it Was interesting. Together with guys solve specific problems. Not even the expected can be so many choices”. “I went on stage and played with the cast of our final. It’s great!” “And I told about the show all my friends the girls. They also want to see”,- shared his impressions of teenagers.

Before starting a social project “Own territory”, the authors have organized dozens of discussions, round tables with parents and headmasters, teachers and doctors, officials and clergy. Broke a lot of copies. But, in the end, decided that it’s worth it.

Now in the repertoire of the theatre – three hour performance, the plots of which, that is, cling to the young audience.

Three school girls with the same name – three Natasha – first time in love. One maniacally pursues the object of his passion. From the other parents “forge” a student, and instead, at least briefly to see Him, she pores over the books. The third is hopelessly in love with Dima Bilan.

the Story of two friends, one battling cancer and struggling, clinging to life, and the other comes into the online community suicide.

the Student loses at cards to a neighbor in the Dorm a decent amount. He is ready to forgive the debt, provided that he gets the money the other the loser, the poor guy. Or kill the debtor.

This could happen to any teenager. Everything seems a dead end. And no one to contact.

According to experts, the problem of fathers and children has always existed, but today only worsened. Parents and children do not part with their gadgets. Network create their video thinking. The brain no longer wants to remember everything, erases the scenes and waiting for a new one. Adolescents do not develop memory, logic suffers. So, being in a real difficult situation, they become helpless. ��between the 14-19-year – olds is the risk that is most aggression, including in social networks.

– “Own territory” is one of the ways to remedy the situation. In fact, the project of the Northern theatre is a modern technology work with a teen audience, – says a leading specialist of the Omsk centre of psychological-medical-social support of minors Larisa Vorobyeva. The objective of the project is to strengthen children, to teach them to cope with difficulties, to find confidence in their abilities, to choose the optimal behavior.

According to experts, it is obvious that the original method works.

– the Final tests showed that children increased self-esteem, show leadership and creative qualities. And resilience above average, says Andrew Neupokoev. – Guys are more Frank, more sympathetic. Every fourth participant of the experiment is ready to help age in difficult life situations, become a volunteer.

Records of performances have shown in half of the schools of the Omsk region, they looked and discussed 138 thousand teenagers. Moreover, the experiment of the Northern drama theatre is recognized as a project of national importance in the field of culture and art and received a grant of the Russian President.

Today, this work was stopped by the pandemic coronavirus infection. But it will resume when the disease will retreat. The theater plans – another seven productions. In order not to waste time, he announced a contest and has already received half a dozen interesting stories. Curiously, the sponsors and the Teens have decided to tell the truth about what happens to them on the street, at home, at school and in social networks.

Olga Rubleva, psychologist, head of the Kemerovo helpline:

– In terms of isolation suffer most teenagers – they are cut off from personal communication, group of people, Hobbies. Instead of the usual way of life receive permanent notation of adults, comments and invasion of personal space. Any teenager striving for independence, to be supervised by parents intolerable. The inability to leave the house, walk with friends knocks teenager out of the rut, he begins to protest and defend. It is useless to demand from him unquestioning obedience – will make it worse. You need to look for balanced and thoughtful compromises. The opportunity to get out of the house for a while, but regularly (take out the trash, walk the dog) helps to relieve emotional tension and defuse heating up the situation in the family.

If you have a long time to spend at home together with a rebellious teenager, start with a simple and honest conversation. Children rarely admit that they are wrong, rarely making concessions. But it is necessary clearly to explain the importance of the respect for��tion of the established rules, to show that you are not indifferent to the pain of a child and want to help him. For example, say: “I see how hard this is, but there is a danger. How can I help you? I was sick of fighting. Let’s think together what can be done to follow the rules and relieve forced isolation”. Be prepared for the fact that this conversation will have to repeat repeatedly.

To the situation with the virus has ceased to be an abstract news from the Internet and TV, discuss with all family members the plan of action in case one of you gets sick. If you turn to the discussions of the teenager, he will see that in this case he will either have to bring with you for a long time, either to assume part of the responsibilities of adults. Thus, you will show the child the situation more broadly, not just forbid him to leave the house because you are scared for him. You will share responsibility with him, as an adult, an equal.

helplines: (3842) 57-07-07, 8-800-2000-122.