The shouting of swear words when severe pain increases the pain threshold and reduces discomfort. These findings were shared by the psychologists from the University of Kiel in Germany, after a series of experiments. Their study was published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.

It is noted that in the experiments was attended by 92 volunteers, whose average age was 27 years. They were asked to lower the arm into the icy water and shouting or abusive words, or in tune with them. When the pain cannot be tolerated, subjects needed to pull water from the cold liquid.

It turned out that those subjects who were shouting abusive words, the pain threshold decreased. But those who called them in tune with expression, pain perception has not changed. Scientists have been unable to determine what exactly caused such a reaction in the brain.

Psychologist Oksana Zadarinsky in an interview with “Fifth channel” said that such conclusions were made by Russian scientists, who studied the recovery of stroke patients. According to her, often the first thing they say is recovering after a stroke, is “such a native Russian Mat”.

Obscene vocabulary use and people in extreme situations. Zadarinsky emphasized that such words were intended to retrain the brain to “more simplified”, to help you better survive and reduce the pain threshold. All due to the fact that it’s succinct words and expressions that explain a lot.