Russian officials send their children and relatives in prestigious universities outside of the competition through the so-called target set. Over the past five years it training was provided to more than 100 members of families of civil servants, their education, the state spent tens of millions of rubles, found “Important story” together with “transparency international — Russia”, “the New newspaper” and the student magazine DOXA.

In the framework of the task set in need of specialists state Agency may send any person at its discretion, to school, provide housing and additional scholarship. Instead, after graduation, the graduate is required to work in the office three years. From 10 to 30 percent of the budget places in Russian universities is allocated through this scheme, some of the specialty take only the target set.

Journalists, students and investigators have analyzed open data on the target receipt from 2015 to 2019 in 15 Russian universities (MSU, HSE, MGIMO, Moscow state medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, Moscow, peoples ‘ friendship University, REU named after Plekhanov, Moscow state medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, Moscow state linguistic University, VGIK, MRS, St. Petersburg state University, ITMO, Samni, NSU, VSU). The names of over three thousand enrolled students were compared with information on the families of officials. In the end, it was discovered 102 cases of admission to the study of a man whose relative was the head of education has granted the state structure or was associated with it. However, some students dropped out or did not work time in departments.

Among Gossluzhby whose children are enrolled in the University thus, in the text referred to as: the former presidential adviser Sergei Dubik, head of the Union investigators Alexander Mokritsky, the former head of the organizational-mobilization Department of EMERCOM of Russia Andrey Tretyakov, Minister of natural resources and environment of Karachay-Cherkessia, Jasurbek Uzdenov, former Governor of Mordovia and now special envoy of the President Nikolay Merkushkin.

The authors of the investigation appealed for review in the above mentioned universities. It said that they do not have any information about the relatives of the tseleviki and validate such data.