People’s artist of Russia, teacher of the largest in the Vladimir region state University. Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs Vladimir Ruzin died Thursday at the 72nd year of life, reported the press service of the University on their pages in social networks.

"died a Professor at Vladimir state University Vladimir Ruzin – our beloved artist, teacher, philosopher. People’s artist of Russia died on July 16, a 72-year life", – stated in the message.

As noted in the University, work Ruzina are kept in many Russian museums, Ministry of culture, Union of artists placed in museums of France and Germany. In addition, Ruzin, he founded and led the workshop of printmaking (graphic art), revived the art of engraving copper plates, acid-free techniques.

Vladimir Ruzin was born on 17 July 1948 in the village of Lenin of the Lenin region of Crimean district. In 1975 he graduated from Leningrad higher art-industrial school named after V. I. Mukhina. Ruzin was one of the originators of the highest artistic and graphic education in the Vladimir region, worked as a Professor in the Department of design, fine arts and restoration of the Vladimir state University. In 2019, the decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Rosino was awarded the title of "people’s artist of the Russian Federation".