a Male lynx named Rufus, who was called the fat kid in Germany, died in the Bavarian Schweinfurt zoo Zoo. This writes Deutsche Welle.

In the last months of life, the predator started to have heart problems, in addition, he experienced breathing problems. Despite the care from the zoo staff, state Rufus deteriorated more and more. In this regard, the management has decided to euthanize the animal in order to “end his suffering”.

Rufus became famous in social networks in 2018 due to their excess weight. Mass lynx reached 43 kilograms, while the average of his kind weigh from 16 to 30 pounds. Tabloid the Sun has published an article about a cat, describing his happy life after castration. The article was a picture of Rufus sitting on the fifth point, which is scattered to memes.

the Predator began to gain weight in 2015. Then he got injured paws. In 2020, thanks to diet and special exercises, Rufus lost a little weight, but it did not allow him to avoid health problems. The male died in March, but the zoo reported the incident just now.