The Deputy Prime Minister of Kabardino-Balkaria Marat Khubiyev, who previously headed the Ministry of health of the Republic, were infected with coronavirus and is undergoing treatment at a hospital, according to the regional Ministry of health.

In Kabardino-Balkaria was 5204 confirmed cases COVID-19, died in 56 patients with coronavirus, including one nurse, recovered 3997 people.

"unfortunately, the disease has not spared me. And had to be treated in hospital especially dangerous infections on the base of CCH 1", – quotes the Ministry of health in your account in Instagram words Hubiev.

According to Vice-Premier, the hospital he worked for about 20 years in different guises, and it is now "at a high level to cope with the real problem".

"the nature of their work, I know that it is a single, coherent mechanism in the Republic, which runs through both administrative and medical resource. However, seeing the situation in the clinic from the inside, I was touched by reverent attitude to each patient, both from the doctors and the entire staff. Yes, they are hard today! But in this period, as manifest their best qualities. It all became clear. Thank you for your work, for your professionalism, for your dedication" said hubiev.