Crimea does not need water from Ukraine, Kiev needs to stop doing the “bulletstorm” on the topic, said the first Vice-speaker of the Crimean Parliament Efim Fix.

“the Kiev authorities should stop doing bulletstorm, making absurd posts. They Screwtape supply of water and waiting for our reaction,” said RIA “Novosti” Fix.

He noted that the question of the supply of water to the Peninsula from Ukraine is not necessary and not discussed.

“we do Not need water from Ukraine. Not necessary”, – concluded the MP.

Earlier, the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov said that Crimea is able to cope with the lack of water supply without the supply of the Dnieper water from Ukraine. According to him, Crimea is the development of an integrated system of water supply of the entire Peninsula, in addition, specialists of the Sevastopol state University and the research Institute of agriculture of Crimea found a large volume of freshwater in the Crimean mountains.