The football association is heading for an operational loss of more than € 2.5 million as a result of the coronacrisis. The association of missing out on more income from the practice matches in June, and merchandising, with the Red Devils, and the fines from the club. Also, the placement of the Devil in Qatar does not go through, leaving the league once again 2.7 million euros of exceptional income should go wrong. The totaalfactuur is way in excess of 5 million euros.

now, As the royal belgian football association still have a little nest egg of the world cup, the shortfall can be dichtgefietst. For that reason, it was decided that the board of directors, and the crisis cell of the federal association for the three most recent ones of the bondsbijdragen finally get back to name calling. Each club that is not a huge amount, it will go for about six euros each are connected (junior)players. But as a whole it would be in the amateur football clubs of nearly 3 million euros to spare to be.

in Football, in Flanders, the Flemish amateurvleugel of the royal belgian football association, the cancellation of the bondsbijdragen called for. A lot of clubs are run during this period, a large part of their revenues, with paastoernooien.

in the Next year and is looking forward to bond again, to make a profit. The proceeds of the euro 2020 will not be lost. They have to scroll for a year to 2021.

for More on the Royal Belgian Football association belgian football association will give the clubs a three-month postponement of the payment of the Three options, the season is to finish in the amateur, having to deal with the panic issues, the Supporters Eendracht Aalst, may tifo with a picture, a jew does not display carnavalsmatch: “Under pressure from the Belgian champions to Johan Walem is a coach, Cyprus, football should be on the lookout for a new coach for the national’s promises