Trekroner Nursing home in Roskilde is hard hit by the coronavirus, and now even more have been infected.

Tuesday, Roskilde Municipality is thus, in a press release come out that the four residents and seven employees tested positive.

on Wednesday at noon is the number of infected among the staff up to ten. It writes the Roskilde Newspaper.

The ten former employees have now gone on in isolation for several weeks so as not to spread the disease.

It means, according to the Roskilde Newspaper that the employees concerned are cut off from the rest of their family in the home.

In Tuesday’s press release from Roskilde Municipality indicated that there were found several suspicious deaths among the elderly residents.

However, without evidence that it is necessarily caused by coronaviruses.

the Suspicion that more could be infected, started in the weekend. Of the residents and the staff in that section is tested, and the suspect turned out to have nothing.

“the Situation in the Trekroner care Centre is a serious and very sad. I follow it closely,” said the mayor of Roskilde Municipality, Tomas Breddam.

“even Though we are from the beginning of march has had a great attention to avoid the spread of infection, especially in care centers, are coronaviruses, alas, extremely contagious. We will do our best to follow all guidelines from health authorities, and I find that employees go to the task with strong professionalism and great care,” said the mayor.

All residents and employees at the nursing home is now being tested.