Many people are afraid of currently about to be infected with the Coronavirus. Much more, many fear that their loved one could be affected. Add to this the possible alarming effects on our social life, our society and our prosperity. We really have every reason to consider the current Situation with concern. We should not fall in panic.

But how do we do that? A patent recipe, there is not unfortunately. But helpful, it is certainly first of all, to make rational clear what the acute danger . This is definitely better than to be guided by emotions. Make it clear to you should also that it brings nothing, to want something steady for a change. It is much better to invest this energy in something useful? To focus so primarily to prevent a contagion in the best possible way? < / h3> Reported corona virus cases in Germany (click on your state)

The Positive keep an eye on: “boredom has an enormous creative potential”

I’ll be sick, in spite of the consistent observance of all necessary measures to protect the other, and thus a spread in my environment to counteract. For Home Office and contact block best. Helpful wouldn’t it, therefore, to see the associated Isolation, as a unwanted coercive measure, but rather as an opportunity: I Finally have more time for things I always wanted to do once. I can contact friends and relatives, of which I have long heard nothing, via video chat or phone. Or I get creative, like so many people at the moment, and something to start a New one.

boredom has an enormous creative potential . I may treat myself to now but just more peace of mind, go for a walk or enjoy my favorite music or movies. All of these measures can increase our well-being in these difficult times, and thus can help to let Fears dominate. About the experts

Andreas Hagemann is a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy as well as Medical Director of the Röher Park hospital in Eschweiler, near Aachen. This private clinic for psychosomatics specializes in anxiety and panic disorders, chronic pain, Burnout and depression.

Fears don’t protect us against the dangers of

In view of the exceptional circumstances and the threatening Situation to feel, almost without exception, anxiety and Fears, is surprising, but there is no reason to be ashamed of. On the contrary: fear accompanies us throughout our lives, and since Man can remember. From birth, we are exposed to unknown and dangerous situations. The response to these situations is what we call fear. It is the history of evolution is extremely useful in order to protect the front of a real or anticipated danger or not to go in the first place is in danger.

What triggers anxiety, or what I’m afraid of, however, is individually different and depends in no small degree of individual learning and life experiences. Young people have can happen to less experience with “what everything”, with possible risks and dangers than the elderly. They therefore are more risks, to be criticized in the first days of the Corona-crisis legislation often was.

get smart: education reduces Fears

the Latest in-depth information can protect us from dangerous miscalculations and mistakes, and give us more security. The more I know about Corona, the better I can assess the Situation, myself instead of in diffuse a panic to get – even if by the best information, of course, not all Fears and concerns can. Finally, I do not know whom I can technically “trust” and the information “have the right”.

I personally ask myself in such situations, by the way, on a regular basis: What would have been my Opposite to me, deliberately misleading? So in this specific case: What is the advantage? the Federal government is currently the Closing of borders, restrictions of social life Thus, it is possible to detect the motives of others, at least in part.

  • All the current information on the new Coronavirus, read in FOCUS Online-News-Ticker.

What happens to us when we feel fear?

fear, per se, is also likely to result in the so-called Amygdala, the almond core, of the filters the incoming information in the brain and to the corresponding areas of the other. It is, among other things, the hormones adrenaline and Cortisol to be activated. In consequence,> muscle tension, increase of blood pressure, pulse, and blood sugar, as well as a maximum willingness of the body a

So useful, this protective measures in case of danger, so little you have to help us, of course, in the present Situation. Therefore, we try to Anticipate (i.e., an anticipatory expectation) to predict what assures us of Survival. We start to hoard (even toilet paper), to separate us, to react aggressively to the slightest stimuli, and are under enormous stress level.

when threatened, fear of our immune system?

fear is in essence nothing more than Stress. That chronic Stress leads to increased susceptibility to diseases, especially viral diseases, is known for a long time. In the short term, a stressful Situation, however, is not a Problem. Due to the increase of Cortisol, the immune system can increase even.

the condition persists longer, can arise as a result of serious health problems , in particular, in the case of existing pre-existing conditions. The pandemic, the associated Fears and uncertainties, as well as the associated Stress are a risk factor that is not to be underestimated. Corona-office hours: here you can Set your question to Covid-19

The number of Corona-ill people increases, the of the questions as well. FOCUS Online has therefore built up a network of experts and answer your questions.

The consultation

This can help: So you come from fear

however, There are some non-specific ways to reduce the Stress and strengthen the immune system. For this purpose,

  • Regular endurance sports
  • Continuous use of relaxation techniques such as autogenic Training or Progressive muscle relaxation and Meditation
  • Healthy balanced diet
  • waiver of excessive consumption of alcohol, nicotine, include: Caffeine
  • Regular breaks at work
  • separation between work and leisure
  • Balancing leisure activities
  • Pleasant social contacts (and if only via video chat)
  • clarification of chronic interpersonal conflicts
  • reduction of repetitive overload situations
  • Adequate sleep

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product survey: majority of Germans with a clear mind to verhängtem prohibition of Contact FOCUS Online/Wochit survey shows: majority of Germans with a clear mind to verhängtem contact ban