Shortly before the Frankfurt trial against leading figures of the Reichsbürger “Reuss Group”, one of the main defendants became involved in a contradiction regarding the alleged attack plans and incriminated his co-defendants.

“Stern” conducted an interview in prison with former Bundeswehr colonel Maximilian Eder. Eder confirmed key accusations made by the prosecution. Eder admitted to “Stern” that he had explored the parliament buildings in Berlin in August 2021 together with former AfD member of the Bundestag Birgit Malsack-Winkemann and two veterans. However, not to prepare for an armed attack, as he claimed. Rather, the group spied on the Bundestag in order to confront top politicians there at a later date. The group had indications that government politicians were perpetrators and accomplices in an alleged child molester ring.

It’s a line of defense that Eder’s lawyers may also want to raise at trial. However, Eder made a crucial mistake in the interview with “Stern”: Minutes earlier, he had claimed to have found out about the alleged child molester ring in October 2021 – i.e. only two months after the Reichstag inspection. So why did the group want to search the Bundestag in August for alleged suspects of whom they had no knowledge at the time? Eder also weighed heavily on the other participants in the Reichstag inspection, Birgit Malsack-Winkemann, Peter Wörner and Harald P., with this statement. Confronted with his mistake, Eder reacted evasively and claimed that spying on the escape routes under the parliament buildings was “a completely neutral reconnaissance” “because it just happened.” Furthermore, there is no politician in Germany “who would be worthwhile for a terrorist, to be kidnapped or killed.”

In the “Stern” interview, Eder also confirmed key points in the Federal Prosecutor General’s indictment. This sees a meeting on July 29, 2021 as the founding meeting of the alleged terrorist organization. The six alleged participants are accused as founders. Eder admitted to attending the meeting. According to Eder, the reason for the meeting was the corona and vaccination policy. “It was about the fact that, in our view, the state decided and acted against the inalienable fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens.”

Henry XIII, who was apparently intended to be head of state after the coup. Prince Reuss did not take part in the founding meeting. Eder said that “as far as military capabilities are concerned,” Eder, ex-elite soldier Peter Wörner and former Bundeswehr commander Rüdiger von Pescatore were the group’s powerhouse. Reuss was not interesting as a source of political ideas, at least for Eder. “I needed Prince Reuss as a financier. That was the most important thing for me,” said Eder. Reuss gave him 50,000 euros “for the investigation of satanic ritual pedophilia”. Eder denied that he had used the money to order weapons – as the Federal Prosecutor General accused him.