Colson Baker/Megan Fox

the 34-year-old Megan Fox, a 30-year-old Colson Baker, acting under the alias Machine Gun Kelly, more do not hide that incredibly happy, and publicly recognized each other in love. About their relationship the couple now talks and in conversations with reporters.

for Example, during his recent visit to radio Coulson told how Megan changed his way of life. He admitted that before meeting Megan preferred to eat mostly fast food, but thanks to sweetheart now wants to start eating healthy food.

as evening snack, she probably would have ordered sushi. She eats very healthy food. Its menu is all exclusively gluten-free and organic. I mostly eat hot dogs and burgers, however, are now trying to rebuild their menu. It would be cool if there was a café serving soup, who work all night. I probably would have just ordered soups for evening snacks. Unless the soup is not sweet? I haven’t had one for several years, but now loved. It’s like porridge for adults

— said the Baker.
Colson Baker and Megan Fox

Recall that for the first time about the affair Megan Fox and Coulson Baker, who together star in the movie Midnight in the Switchgrass, spoke shortly after the actress and her husband Brian Austin green announced their separation after 10 years of marriage. First, the lovers hid their relationship, and then began to frequently appear in public together and share pictures in social networks, in the posts under which they confessed each other’s feelings.

Recently, insiders said that the husband of Megan and the father of her three sons Brian Austin green is outraged by her behavior. He didn’t recognize the Fox, which had not endured personal life in public, and angry due to the fact that she started to advertise the relationship with your new boyfriend before the official divorce.

Brian annoyed by the fact that Megan only thinks about his new novel. He does not understand why she posts a photo of Coulson and writes stupid posts to tell the whole world about his love. She hasn’t even divorced him! Megan has always been very secretive, so Brian Austin doesn’t understand what happened to her,

the source told about the reaction of Greene’s new novel wife.

Brian Austin green and Megan Fox