10.7 C
Monday, May 6, 2024
the Ukrainian company InfoCom LTD based on their own robotic platform, "Scorpion" has created a robot police officer, according to the League of defense enterprises.the Robot, in particular, is equipped with the following attachments: a remote-controlled cecomet (for use...
Children's technology Park "Moscow" will organize a virtual hackathon Z-Vision. Check-in takes place.within a few days, the seniors and students will work on creating an innovative product or service. Among nominations — "Virtual technology Park", "city in a comprehensive...
До 17 сентября продлили срок подачи заявок на получение премии Правительства Москвы молодым ученым. Она присуждается в 22 номинациях, относящихся к двум областям. Получить премию можно за выдающиеся результаты в фундаментальных и прикладных исследованиях в естественных, технических и гуманитарных...
Rapidly growing wildfires south of Lake Tahoe have jumped onto a highway. This prompted more evacuation orders and cancellations of extreme bike rides through the Sierra Nevada on Saturday. The coming days were extremely dangerous due to wildfire weather. According...
the failures of the Russian promising fighter su-57 are explained by the phase-experimental prototype Soviet fighter of the fifth generation MiG-1.44 MFI (which stands for "multifunctional frontline fighter"), writes The National Interest.In the American journal of sure if not...

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23.4 ° C
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36 °
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22 °

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