For books marked “18+” now we need to allocate a separate room or Cabinet with lock – under the control of the librarian.

the Problem is that the marking “18+” puts under lock and key extreme, not only by modern authors but also many of the classics. And even Pushkin.

the Chairman of the Duma Committee on culture Elena Yampolskaya endorsed the action taken by office decision, but drew attention to an important point: “the Only trick with which you need to understand the criteria for marking “18+”. They should be clear and precise. No tastiness, high common sense.”

Writer Sergei Lukyanenko was skeptical: “World literature has always been nevozmozhnoe. To try to pretend that children in the 13-14 years I do not know what sex and drugs, today silly. Need to start blasting the TV.”

rector of the Literary Institute. Gorky, writer Alexey Varlamov did not understand how to apply this prohibition. “If we take the erotic in literature – everything here will be very confusing. What is considered erotica, not count?”

the Explorer, “RG”, writer Pavel Basinsky believes that the situation when a state that bans or limits, including in literature, in principle, normal. “Let’s not forget, the Golden age of Russian literature took place in two censorship – political and ecclesiastical. But the rules of the game were clear. I understand that the lion’s share of modern prose belongs to the category of “18+”. But what to do with classic literature? In the works of Turgenev, Goncharov, Tolstoy is a lot of erotica, not to mention Bunin and Nabokov. Murder scene old woman prozentsatz and her sisters in “Crime and punishment” striking in its cruelty. Decline to read it boys and girls under 18 years? Hide books in the closet, how cigarettes in supermarkets, and will be issued on presentation of a passport? At the time, I was extremely surprised when my innocence a book about the son of Tolstoy marked the “16+”, sealed in cellophane and refused to sell the student from my seminar in College because she didn’t have a passport.”

Maria I., Director, Russian state children’s library:

– I want to remind you that we have a 436-St of the Federal law “On protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”, which has long imposed restrictive measures. The new rules only drew books “18+”. But such books never were given to children either in Soviet or post-Soviet era, even more so now. And certainly no one is going to fill up library funds books on extremism, terrorism, or with pornographic content. So the new order of the Ministry of culture just has everything laid out. And, in my opinion, made it very humanely against to libraries, because the execution is transferred to the discretion of regional authorities. And we only have public libraries 42 thousand, and they are all very different.

If the librarian will give a child a book for his age, he faces an administrative fine. Please note, the child, not the parent who came with him. And there were times when fined or required distance of 100 meters between children’s books and books of “18+”, as spelled out in the 436-m law. Last year, distance reduced up to 50 meters, but that’s not much help, because we have many rural libraries, located in small rooms with total area of 40 metres. So the new rules rather help libraries to cease to be troublemakers – the closed Cabinet is easier than to increase the area.

But what to do with the label? Publishers are afraid and are overreacting, exaggerating age. Honestly, I don’t always even understand what caused the fears. And classic literature, in my opinion, should not have been marking. This is a world artistic heritage, which should be available to all. We are all dependent on the publisher. We therefore support the bill of the state Duma Committee for culture, which proposes to abandon all age markings except “18+”, clearly writing and explaining the criteria by which a book comes into this category.

Age labelling of books, introduced in Russia in 2012, not the first time it appears in the center of attention. The proposed scale (0+, 6+, 12+, 16+, 18+) and assessment criteria was not applicable to real life. Known cases when, for example, the school refused to sell Yesenin’s poems, because the book is marked “16+”. Such an absurdity is supposed to fix the bill, prepared by the Duma Committee on culture. MPs propose to abolish all the intermediate category, leaving only one – “18+”. And prohibit the marking of works of the school program as “books for adults”.