a Ship Crew Dragon company SpaceX Elon musk has completed its first manned space flight, and successfully returned to Earth.

The Crew ship Dragon company SpaceX Elon musk successfully returned to Earth and splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida, the message of the company.

Crew Dragon was in space for more than 60 days. The ship brought NASA astronauts Douglas Hurley and Robert Behnken on the International space station (ISS). Hurley and Behnken worked on the ISS with compatriot Chris Cassidy and Russian cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Wagner. It was the first American landing of the descent vehicle, perfect for the last 45 years. Following the flight of manned spacecraft Crew Dragon to ISS is scheduled for late September.

In July 2020, chief analyst at GLONASS, a member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of cosmonautics named after Tsiolkovsky Andrew Jonas live on NSN said that Russia is losing markets for its space industry.

According to him, Russia has lost the market of freight runs, now loses manned flights to the ISS. In particular, the framework of contact NASA and Roscosmos since 2011, delivering astronauts to the ISS only Russian manned spacecraft series “the Union”. The cost of sending one person is $ 90 million. The contract ends in October 2020.

Jonas predicted in air NSN that this contract will be extended, but on a barter basis – Russian cosmonauts will fly on Crew Dragon, and the us – on “Unions”, financial contracts will not be, as the policy of “Roscosmos” in relation to partners was short-sighted – he raised the price of launch, bringing it “to the ugly value”.

According to him, it is important to understand why the United States succeed, and whether Russia can use this experience at home, however, the leadership of the Russian space industry does nothing for this.