Jérôme Boateng had to visit his injured son, but had not been allowed by Bayern Munich to leave the city.

Jérôme Boateng has been fined by his club, Bayern Munich, because the German football player without permission from the club travelled away from Munich.

It is in conflict with the strict restrictions, which storklubben have laid down over the players during the coronakrisen. It writes the Bayern on its website.

– Boateng has violated the guidelines, the club has issued, by that be too far away from his home.

– These guidelines regulate the FC Bayern-players ‘ behavior in the current situation, in line with the government’s restrictions on freedom of movement and sundhedsmyndighedens recommendations.

– FC Bayern believes that the club has a responsibility to be a role model. As a consequence of this violation the club has decided to impose Boateng a fine, stand there in the communication from the club.

Bayern does not write anything about how big the fine is, but the money will be donated to hospitals in Munich.

It was on Tuesday that the German forsvarsstjerne had left Munich. According to several German media had Boateng left the city to visit his son, who had come easier to damage in a traffic accident.

– I know it was a mistake not to inform the club about my trip, but at the time I thought only of my son. He didn’t have it good, says Boateng to the German newspaper Bild, according to the AFP news agency.

– If my son calls on his father, then I come, of course, no matter what time it is on a day.
