It is expensive to get the passport of his children.

But although crèches, kindergartens, after-school and recreation centres have been closed for more than two weeks, and teachers are sent home, will the parents still be charged thousands of dollars for not getting cared for their children.

For example, parents in Copenhagen with a vuggestuebarn and a school have been charged almost 5000 dollars here in march for not to have cared for children since the 11. march when Denmark closed down.

the Tariffs are different from municipality to municipality, but the picture is the same in all municipalities in Denmark.

But after easter, it must be the end of to pay for the day and leisure activities, there is closed.

Such is the requirement from the forældreorganisationen FOLA and Left, and the government is not dismissive.

“a Great many people have already lost their jobs during the crisis, and many will earn in advance, not very much. Represents For them the cost of day care for two children, around a quarter of their fixed costs. So it will be a lot of money for them to get released in this difficult time,” says FOLA-president Signe Nielsen.

She adds that it is absolutely essential that it is the state that must go in and compensate the municipalities for the lack of parent payment, while the institutions are corona-closed.

“there must be some good deals to return to out in the municipalities, when the crisis is over,” says Signe Nielsen.

It will, according to an estimate from the ministry of Children and education cost the treasury approximately 645 million dollars per month to compensate the municipalities for the lack of parent payment – to-day and leisure activities, while institutions are corona-closed.

The money to all taxpayers jointly and severally liable for, believes the Liberal party, the child and undervisningsordfører, Ellen Trane Nørby.

“It is not fair that the parents must continue to pay for an offer, they don’t get. So must the state and society to compensate the municipalities. The teachers must still be paid, and the municipalities should not be left with an extra bill,” she says.

For an ordinary family with two regular incomes – a so-called LO-modelfamilie with two children, respectively, in the crèche and the kindergarten form of the parents ‘ own contribution about nine percent of the family’s monthly income after taxes.

It shows figures from the ministry of Finance.

“It is a lot of money. There is need for us to hold your hand during the families ‘ economy at this time, how many will be fired or get tvangslukket their business as for example hairdressers. The money will do more good in the the individual family and to hold your hand during the local shopping,” says Ellen Trane Nørby, and adds:

“We have been promised a debate with the government about it here, if the closures of instutioner stretches out over easter. We are pushing for that soon something has to happen,” says Ellen Trane Nørby.

In connection with the hastelovgivningen of the closure of the day care obligated the government to convene negotiations on the parent payment, if the closures continue after easter, which ends Monday the 13. april.

Either Statens Serum Institut or the national board of Health wishes to express an opinion on whether it will be safe to open day-care centres and leisure centres up again after easter.

Here refers to B. T. to Health and Ældreministeriet, indicating that the man here refers to the prime minister Mette Frederiksen’s statements at her press conference on Monday.

Here announced by the prime minister that the government will open the Denmark, carefully and slowly up after easter, if smittekurven can be kept down to a tolerable level in the next two weeks.

Prime minister Mette Frederiksen came at the press conference did not elaborate on what thoughts the government for opening of crèches, kindergartens and leisure facilities.

minister for Children and education), Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil writes in a reply to B. T, that the government is ready to look at how long the parents must continue to pay for closed instutioner.

‘It is clear that forældrebetalingen can not continue unchanged indefinitely. That is why I am pleased that all parties have agreed to look at it again after easter.’