Roosdaal, Water, and frisdrankenproducent Léberg Resources from Roosdaal is a bad paper. The staff has received in the last three months no wages, and the production is stopped. At present, the company has also been hit by the coronacrisis. “But the problems are there to be solved”, the manager is positive.

Léberg Sources, it is known as the provider of water for residential care centres and hospitals, but it also allows the producer to the one of the in-house brands of supermarket chain Colruyt nv. In the drankencentrales to be in the water, and soft drinks are offered. But in the past few months, the company is in a bad paper. “In the beginning of this year, we received a reward, but it is not to be paid”, says one employee who prefers to remain anonymous. “We have to be less than informed and is given only to be told that it would take care of itself.” Also, in the Colruyt store, they are in the know. “A lot of the information we have, and it is, therefore, to wait for more news,” says Colruyt spokesperson Yana-Man. “In the meantime, we will continue to be in close contact with our suppliers, and we will continue to support them.”

See also the Fire for several hours in the dakbrand to Léberg Sources

But the unrest among the fifteen or so staff members, including a trio of white-collar workers is on the increase. “Single people have no income, while others may still be on the partner to be able to count on” the man continued. “The savings have to be in each and every case, for everyone to be held accountable, and the collector’s book goes empty all the time. We are in close contact with the trade union, in order to know what needs to be done. Self-discharge is not an issue, because then we would lose a lot of rights. It is not yet clear but the uncertainty is not a lot of fun.”