President Putin has appointed first Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov to the position of acting head of the Cabinet in connection with the illness of Michael mishustina, who was diagnosed with coronavirus. As a 61-year-old Belousov, before that 7 years worked as assistant to the President on the economy, managed to show themselves in 100 days in government as he is an independent figure and what to expect from a professional economist, appeared at the head of the Executive power in the current crisis, we were told by the experts.

Nikita Maslennikov, head of a direction “Finance and Economics” Institute of contemporary development:

“I don’t think this position Belousov will take a long time. Despite this, he has a lot of cargo.

6 may need to prepare a report to the President on the impact of all measures under the two anti-crisis packages. Should also be offered the progressive removal of the quarantine restrictions from the 12th of may, which is absolutely non-trivial task, as long as there is a rapid increase in the number of cases.

Until may 25 should also prepare long-term national plan for economic recovery. You will manage the acting with the tasks? I think that Belousov has some important positive features that emerged during those one hundred days that there is a new government.

He launched a whole new level of communication between the government and the Central Bank. They began to hear each other and find common solutions. During the government of Medvedev, this was not. Now the interaction of Cabinet and the financial regulator has become more effective and productive.

in Andrew Belousova to another level out of communication with the business. It turns out not all, but the progress is obvious. Being a highly professional economist, it is sufficiently flexible to respond to the situation and understand what is happening. Plus positive background. He has long been assistant to the President for economic Affairs, and, as they say, in the course of the whole business agenda. However, there are also disadvantages: from the point of view publicly activity, it is little than can boast of. And now such skill as the ability to systematically and coherently present his position, it is very necessary.”

Sergey Zhavoronkov, senior researcher, Institute for economic policy. Yegor Gaidar:

“the Appointment of Andrey Belousova is a purely technical issue. I have no doubt that the Prime Minister will soon recover and return to his duties.

Since the formation of the new government Andrey Belousov is not marked and is not famous. However, it is well-known in his previous role. For several years he was Minister of the economy, sweatom assistant to the President.

Belousov is a supporter of an active interaction between the state and major economic agents, the backbone enterprises. His views are within the mainstream of conventional economic policy in recent years, which in a simplified version can be called state capitalism.”

Alexei Mukhin, General Director of the Center for political information:

“President Putin, letting go of Michael mishustina in the hospital, said that any important economic decisions without him will not be accepted. This implies that the situation, though unpleasant, but normal and it is spelled out in the law.

to Say that Andrei Belousov took the post of Prime Minister, it is impossible. From the procedural point of view, it is comparable to what Mishustin went on vacation, and Belousov will have some time to replace him on this post.

Andrei Belousov and Prime on the same team. The functionality of each is very clear. In technical terms, Belousov, taking into account economic and administrative experience, most prepared person in order to perform the duties of the Prime Minister. He is aware of all Affairs which were conducted by Mikhail Mishustin and duties will not cause any damage as the implementation of national projects and fight against the coronavirus. Andrei Belousov entirely in its place.”