Traffic light politicians are demanding clarification of possible Russian contacts by the President from the Federal Office for Information Security, Arne Schönbohms.

After a report by “ZDF Magazin Royale” about contacts between the President of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), Arne Schönbohm, and a dubious association, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) is planning to replace the head of the agency. “It is being examined how a quick change of president can be achieved,” the “Bild” newspaper quoted the Federal Ministry of the Interior as saying. The “Handelsblatt” and the “Spiegel” also reported on a planned replacement of Schönbohm, citing government circles.

According to the program moderated by Jan Böhmermann, Schönbohm is said to be in constant contact with an association called the German Cyber ​​Security Council, which is said to have contacts with the Russian secret service. The “Handelsblatt” reported from government circles that there was “great annoyance” about the BSI President. The allegations were taken “very seriously” and “all options were examined” as to how Schönbohm could be recalled. A joint appearance by Faeser with Schönbohm to present the BSI management report 2022 next Thursday has been cancelled.

Domestic politicians of the traffic light coalition called for an explanation. The chairman of the secret service control committee in the Bundestag, Konstantin von Notz (Greens), told the Handelsblatt: “The allegations in the room must be investigated very resolutely, regardless of Schönbohm’s personal details.”

SPD domestic politician Sebastian Fiedler told the Handelsblatt: “There has already been a major loss of confidence in the BSI.” There is currently hardly any other topic for corporate managers for cyber security. Fiedler demanded an explanation from Schönbohm as to why, after originally distancing himself from the club, he was now even “publicly advertising the dubious club president”.