Restrictions on socializing and more down-home good time has changed the danes ‘ shopping patterns, shows the Coop analysis.

The Danish consumers have apparently become accustomed to a new reality, where there has been more time in the home, and fewer opportunities for socializing with family and friends.

Detailkoncernen Coop have studied how the danes have changed their procurement under the coronakrisen. And here is that according to the communication and analysechef Lars Aarup some obvious trends to track.

– We can first of all see that the danes make more clean. Our sales of cleaning supplies such as rags, Ajax, washing floors and so on is a third above the level from before the crisis, he says.

– It is probably both, because we are very much at home, and the weather is good, so you can see where it needs to be done, but it is also, of course, because that the authorities have said that we need to make sure to clean in the home.

And when the cleaning is done, then it’s apparently time for the a little more fun hjemmesysler. And many danes spend the time to bake. According to Lars Aarup is the sale of bageartikler increased significantly during the crisis.

And it is not only bread, we bake, because we can see that the sales of sugar also increased significantly, he says.

When the cleaning is over, and the hunger and the sweet tooth is satisfied, then it is in many homes of the time for entertainment – not least for the children.

– the Sale of the toys is a little more than doubled, and it is especially puzzle games, board games, colouring books and pens, which the danes are buying, says Lars Aarup.

While coronakrisen has meant more time to hjemmeaktiviteter, so you can feel at Coops shops also that the restrictions have led to a fall in sales of certain product categories.

It marks, among other things, in alkoholafdelingen. Here are the sales on spirits and wine decreased by 10-12 percent, while sales of beer have fallen to five-six percent.

– This is because we do not meet for parties or dinners with families and friends, as we did before the crisis.

– It also means that we are not selling as many flowers as we did before, because it is typically something you bring with when visiting each other for gatherings, says Lars Aarup.

– So if you want to support the Danish gardeners, so be sure to buy some more flowers.

Coop since the first press conference with the prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) 11. march experienced a slight increase in sales, informs Lars Aarup.
