Due to high inflation, many people use credit to buy important purchases. The Schufa plays an important role in this. Annoying when a bad score has to cancel the purchase. FOCUS Online shows the tricks you can use to improve your credit rating at Schufa.

Germany’s largest credit agency for private customers is Schufa, a public limited company based in Wiesbaden. The shareholders include almost all banks and credit institutions, but also online retailers, telephone providers and others. According to its own statements, it has collected data from more than 68 million private customers and 6.25 million companies, which it can release to its approximately 10,000 contractual partners.

The Schufa therefore plays an important role in everyday life.

In view of the high inflation and the tense economic situation, households are struggling with the high cost of living. For simple and important purchases, those affected often have to take out a loan. This begins with the purchase of a new refrigerator or a new television. If the information is negative, it often means that the sale will not take place.

But the credit bureau is not only important for loans. Anyone applying for a rental apartment often has to provide the landlord with a Schufa report. Here, too, a poor Schufa score can have a negative effect on the application process.

Which data flows into the score remains a well-kept secret of the Schufa. However, there are important indications of how the situation comes about. This applies, for example, if consumers have booked the “Schufa Plus” service, which is subject to a fee. In this case, those affected receive information about when the base score is recalculated.

Schufa generally reacts closed to inquiries about its score calculation. Individual characteristics would have little or no influence on a person’s score value.

In fact, it can be observed that the Schufa also analyzes dependencies between individual pieces of information. How exactly is not known – but there are a few clues.

This results in important tips with which you can improve the score – and in a completely legal way.

A value between one and 100 percent indicates the probability with which a consumer can repay a loan. A score of 100 is good – it stands for a 100 percent probability of repayment.

The lower the number, the higher the risk of non-payment.

The Schufa differentiates inquiries according to service provider and amount. With an average salary, for example, a request for a new mobile phone contract is answered positively. When buying a property, things can get tight.

The base score changes when consumers receive a new credit card, a new checking account or a collection bill. FOCUS Online shows you the tricks you can use to improve your Schufa score.

Anyone who has several checking accounts at the same time is sometimes considered fickle at Schufa. However, this does not apply if you run a business on the side.

Why might your score drop? In extreme cases, there is a risk that you will overdraw several accounts at the same time.

How do you positively influence the score? If you have several checking accounts, you should consider whether you really need them.

Negative Schufa entry? Check deletion now

This also applies to credit cards.

Why might your score drop? If you have many credit cards, the Schufa may suspect that you do not have your spending under control.

How do you positively influence the Schufa score? However, if you regularly pay all credit card bills immediately so that the Schufa does not receive any default reports, this can also be positive evidence that you handle money conscientiously.

If you have changed your place of residence frequently, this also has an impact.

Why could the score go down? Then they are more difficult to find from the point of view of creditors.

The conclusion of a loan or leasing contract can be reported to Schufa, but is not included in their score calculation.

If you pay off installments for loans on time, this can have a positive effect on the score.

Only if they do not pay and after several reminders are in arrears, such financing has an effect – negatively.

If you request a loan from several banks, all institutes will contact Schufa to find out about your creditworthiness – and all of these requests will be saved.

Why could the score go down? If a bank rejects the application, although you already have an acceptance from another bank, the rejected request will still be saved – and that has a negative effect.

How do you influence the Schufa score? Ask the bank to submit a “credit condition request.” This request is neutral and does not affect the score.

Whether it’s a loan installment, Amazon, fashion, electricity or mobile phone bill: pay all bills on time. If the utility or provider sends several reminders and initiates a dunning procedure, the Schufa will be informed.

Why could the score go down? In payment reminders (reminders), it is often clearly mentioned that a payment disruption will be reported to the Schufa in the event of non-compliance. This usually worsens your score.

If strangers misuse your name and use it to order goods but do not pay, the Schufa does not know it. But your credit rating suffers. That is why the credit agency now offers protection against identity theft.

What does the Schufa actually store?

On the one hand, personal data such as

On the other hand, financial characteristics such as

According to the law, the data collectors of the Schufa may only consider open claims that have been legally established.

Negative entries are often due to unpaid bills or credit installments, as well as canceled checking accounts with unpaid overdraft facilities. It is therefore important to check the data copy precisely.

“You don’t experience the negative entries yourself,” emphasizes the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advice center. To do this, consumers would have to apply to Schufa – or any other credit agency – for a data copy in accordance with Article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This is free.

Sabine Bernstein, press spokeswoman for Schufa, recommends obtaining a copy of the data regularly, “at least always before you want to take out a loan or take out a new rental agreement”. Then there is the possibility that people can recognize incorrect entries and have them corrected.


There are set deadlines for this. If an open invoice is paid, the Schufa entry is deleted to the day after three years.

If consumers think an entry is wrong, they can report it to the Schufa. They then consult with the company that initiated the entry. If it is actually an error, the note will be corrected.

In disputes, private individuals have the option of engaging an ombudsman.

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