Read on northern sami: Badjel čuođi bohcco jápmán roasu geažil

Beitekrisen has been long and severe for reindriftsutøvere in the North of Norway and parts of the county.

the Reindeer on the vast expanses can’t find food. It is under extreme amount of and hard-packed snow.

It has gone out of families who have great economic losses. They work around the clock. They sleep little at night.

Far out on the Finnmarksvidda plateau, we meet Áslat Máhtte Turi (39) He and his reinbeitedistrikt are one of those who have been hit hardest by the beitekrisen.

We are over eleven miles from the nearest road. Here it takes over twelve hours to drive a snowmobile trip.

110 KILOMETERS: Bošmit siida, district 29 and 32, is far from the nearest village and the road. They are located in the Upper Anárjohka national park.

They have run shuttles since January. When the reindeer began to starve, began the crisis to escalate.

to prevent the mass death of reindeer has reindriftsutøvere run up countless fôrsekker weighing 800 kg each. In some reindistrikt the reindeer almost exclusively on the feed.

despite – Áslat Máhtte says that up to several hundred reindeer have starved to death in his flock, and there are several that are the same situation as him.

Photo: Johan Ánte Vie / NRK Áslat Máhtte Turi have taken a picture of several reindeer that has starved to death. The reindeer starve to death 7 images

Dead out females

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Death hannrein

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Dead out females

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Death årsgammel calf

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Death årsgammel calf

Photo: Áslat Máhtte Turi Share Share on Facebook Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Twitter Share on email Share on email

Three dead reindeer by the side of each other

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Death årsgammel calf

Photo: Áslat Máhtte Turi Share Share on Facebook Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Twitter Share on email Share on email

Therefore one can not exclude the possibility that several thousands of reindeer have already died. 160.000 reindeer can risk to suffer the same fate.

also Read: the Government proposes krisepakke: 20 million extra to beitekrisen

FED: the Reindeer in district 29 and 32 are fed exclusively since the natural food source under the ground are impossible to reach.

Photo: Johan Ánte Vie / NRK Reinkalver door in simlens stomach

– I’ve seen a lot of dead reindeer. There are well over a hundred. If it is not several hundred, ” says Áslat Máhtte.

For reineieren it is not easy to tell openly about this.

On the plateau, it is not easy to find all the carcasses. Bad weather and predators do their that they will never be found.

Reinsimlene are particularly susceptible. If they are weak due to insufficient nourishment, so aborterer the fetus to survive. Sometimes simla die in fødeprosessen. All this is lost revenue in the titusenkronersklassen for reineiere.

This reinkalven dead inside simla. It never got opened my eyes:

still-born: This reinkalven died in the mother of reinsimlen.

Photo: Áslat Máhtte Turi

Turi shows of NRK, the images of the hard truth: the Dead reindeer, and leads to reindriftsfamilier going to have less to live on after the crisis.

the Economy is based on the slaughter of calves, because the state premieres reineiere with kalvetilskudd.

also Read: Resorts to social media to prove ørneproblematikk the Crisis will be to continue

In January began the dense snøbygene to fall, in addition began to blow. The wind distributed snow, and covered the important part of the pastures in the valleys.

Now the snow both packed. The pasture that is otherwise available in this period is up to one and a half meters under the snow.

In February continued the snowweather, which usually contains kuldeperioder with little rainfall.

It is expected that the crisis will last until april and well into may, if the snow melts slowly.

But the crisis does not stop even though the snow is melting. Even if the reindeer comes on grazing areas that are available, will the challenges affect reindeer herding.

It is not unusual that the herds comes weak out of the winter period, but the reindeer in years is in worse shape than in ordinary years.

Fewer reinkalver will be born and it’s going to take several years before the herds are just as strong as in the time before the crisis.

Turi is alvorstynget. He has difficulties to see the light at the other end of the tunnel.

SERIOUSLY: the Crisis may continue through april and well into the month of may. It means more sleepless months for Áslat Máhtte Turi.

Photo: Johan Ante Vie / NRK Rescuers in orange

But help has arrived.

Better late than never, ” says Turi.

NRK has come to the Upper river runs, together with the Red Cross. The county governor in Troms and Finnmark have turned on alarmknappen, together with the government.

But alarmknappen have Turi and the rest of the district had on since January.

22. January went to the County governor of Troms and Finnmark on an inspection tour of the grazing area to the Áslat Máhtte. They are termed there as “partially available”. Snødybden was measured to be between 70-120 centimeters, and it was observed of ice on the 5 centimeters inside the snow.

In some areas, the reindeer come down to the low, but the reindeer will spend a lot of effort to dig with hoofed like the feet.

Four months after besiktigelsen comes the help, which also can be rescue from the mass death of reindeer.

– We’ll help where we can, and now we can help with transport up the feed, ” says Svein Ole Klemetsen in the Red Cross.

also Read: the Armed forces could be inserted to help kriserammet reindeer herding

HELP is COMING: Volunteers from the Red Cross has begun to run up the feed for the reindeer on the plateau. From left: Stein Are Hætta, Oula Wounds, Svein Ole Klemetsen and Anton Dahl.

Photo: Johan Ánte Vie / NRK

He is one of the four people in the voluntary redningskorpset that has saved the day for Turi and the rest of the reinbeitedistriktet.

In the past five helicopters flown reinfor to reinbeitene which is located far from the main road.

– This is a great help. Thank you very much, ” says Turi to redningskorpset that have transported feed to them, and salutes by kicking the feet against each other. For reineierne is afraid that koronasmitten will make the crisis even worse.

In addition to the Red Cross, the County governor in Troms and Finnmark inserted five helicopters to fly into the lining to districts that are located furthest away from the road.

KORONAHILSEN: the Epidemic be taken seriously also in reindeer husbandry. They are from before of in a vulnerable time and taking all precautions.

Photo: Johan Ánte Vie / NRK

Although the rescue is on the way, visit the reindeer herders an uncertain future in the face.

it is Hoped that help will come in the grevens time, so that the coming generations also can drive with the reindeer-herding sámi’s most important industry in the future.

This picture shows why it is a crisis for the reindeer