the Eastern high Court finds Hesalight-founder guilty of criminal offences for a further 200 million kroner.

The high Court has on Thursday sentenced to Hesalight-founder Lars Nørholt seven years in prison for serious economic crime.

the high court’s judgment is superior to a confirmation of the byrettens judgment, where he also was sentenced to seven years in prison.

In the district court was Nørholt slated for 400 million dollars. But in court, he pleaded guilty in criminal offences for a further approximately 200 million dollars.

Lars Nørholt appealed against with the same byrettens judgment, when he in January last year, was sentenced to seven years in prison. He has asked to be acquitted in the case.

the Crime rate trades according to the fraud squad, in particular, to pension funds and other investors in the extent were led behind the light.

Among the victims were to be Pensam, Pension Denmark, Captar, and others.

Hesalight would sell solutions with LED lamps for customers at home and abroad. The growth caused a stir. At a time paid tribute to the then Danish prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt (S) Hesalight to be a green growth company.
