The powers of the head of the Federal grid company (FGC controlled by “Russian grids”, controls the main power grid) Andrei Murov terminated on may 15, the company said at the annual General meeting of shareholders (AGMS). The resignation of Mr. Murov due to a merger Executive offices of “Russian grids” and FGC. In particular, the Federal grid company shareholders at the AGM approved the transfer of the functions of the sole Executive body (SEB) for the management company “Russian grids”, where Mr. Moores will be the first Deputy Executive Director of the holding company. The powers of the sole Executive body — Chairman of the Board Andrey Murov — terminated from the date of entry into force of the Treaty on the transfer of these powers “Rossetti”.In the position of Executive Director of “Russian grids” Mr. Moores will be responsible for the operations of the holding company and to oversee the work of the other three first deputies of the holding Alexander Zaragatsky, who as first Deputy Andrey Murov in FSK, moved with him in “Rossetti”, Andrey Mayorov and Larissa Romanov.Read more in the material “Kommersant” “rosseti looking for unity of command”. Tatiana Woodpecker