The coronacrisis turns out to be the perfect excuse to finally get those running shoes on, or pull the bike from under the cloth to pick it up. Six out of ten non-sporting the Flemish sports, since, the moment more now than ever before. “People have never adapted their behaviour as it is now,” says the professor of Sports policy Jeroen Scheerder (KU Leuven) in belgium.

What you need to do it in the time of the lockdowns, and mandatory board in your room to stay? Go outside, go to the gym, because it’s one of the few opportunities to do it these days. A study conducted by the university of Leuven, the VUB and the University of Ghent 15.700 people, it now appears that we are, effectively, a lot of the sports have been captured.

SEE ALSO. Tips to be a healthy move in the coronatijden.

“Six out of ten non-sportactieve the Flemish sports, and now more than ever,” says professor Jeroen Scheerder (KU Leuven) in belgium. Non-sportactieven, these are the ones that are used less than once went for a workout in a week. They are so “turned on” by the coronacrisis.
Then go for a jog, because it’s what you need to do differently? Photo: Jimmy Kets < / P> According to Shearer, the effect of the coronacrisis is larger than any other campaign in the past to help us move.

For those who in the past have been in the sport did, do, four out of ten now, as much as I used to, and a further 36% had a sport and now even more so.


It can also be seen in the streets: everywhere you go diving, runners, and cyclists. If the rules are followed, then there should be no problem. You are only allowed to walk, ride a bike or a non-power-driven voortbewegingstoestel” such as roller skates or a skateboard). You may not be using the car to move, to engage in physical activity going to carry on. You will need one and a half meters away, and you can (if you’re not with your family on the road they are with only one friend along on the journey.

About to go and play football in a courtyard near a volleybalmatch event with friends should be there for you. “In particular, people who are active in a sports club will miss the sport,” says professor Annick Willem (Ghent university).

“in Addition to health, sports, people, and also for the social interaction with others and the atmosphere. For runners, walkers and cyclists, and this is a little bit to catch on, but for the clubsporter, there are times, of corona, is a lack of alternatives.”

SEE ALSO. is Better not to cycle or jog in the coronatijden, warns a new study.

What’s notable: in children, it appears that the situation is just the opposite. They exercise less, in this coronatijden than in the past. “They are less physically active, and do less exercise”, the researchers say. Is likely to be a tablet, game console, and displayed on the tv screen at the base of it. In addition to them, the turnlessen has been eliminated. As a result, children in sportvlak at this moment in time is the big loser of the coronacrisis.

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