Made an unexpected discovery due to the fossil footprints from South Korea.

Some species of ancient crocodiles walked on two legs like dinosaurs, and had a length of over three meters, has established an international team of scientists.

Confirming this fossilized footprints of a length of about 24 centimeters and the age of 110-120 million years was discovered on the territory of South Korea, according to a study published in Scientific Reports.

An international research team has been stunned to discover that some species of ancient crocodiles walked on their two hind legs like dinosaurs and measured over three meters in length

at First, scientists thought that the tracks belong to pterosaurs. But having examined the prints in detail, they noticed that the creature that left about 100 tracks, when walking had not set foot for a sock like dinosaurs and pterosaurs, and on the heel as people or modern crocodiles.

Anna Lysenko

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