In the polls, it goes continuously down, some see the right-wing populist party are already in the single-digit percentage range. Also in the group in the Bundestag, a larger part of it is restless and for a special session to deal with the Corona has earned the crisis.

Six hours, Alexander Gauland, in his statement to the press in connection, has the group consulted with a large part of the deputies. The AfD is of the essence now, as the strongest opposition group, on a quick Exit Plan.

To the Person

Fedor Ruhose Policy Fellow of the Think tank is “The Progressive center” in Berlin. Professionally he is the managing Director of the SPD parliamentary group in the Landtag of Rhineland-Palatinate. Just The AfD in the German Bundestag is his book “. To deal with a new political actor appeared“.

The AfD is the business model lost

And it is true. The AfD is lost at the Moment, the business model. The communication scientist Johannes Hillje has examined the Facebook activity of the party in the recent time. Here, too, it seems that the people in times of crisis, find the way back to the established media, and not for the activities of the AfD in the Internet are interested in.

If you look at the time since the founding of the AfD, has values always with great Approval, if the social issues agenda is determined by your brand’s core. However, this also means that the AfD is always depreciated if their subjects have no economy.

A party is only dangerous if there is a structural shift in subjects, she suffers a major loss in confidence, or, if it does not succeed to connect to your core brand and the new topic. The latter was also a major concern of those who have forced the AfD group in the Easter holiday for a special session.

A new political opportunity structure of the AfD arises

The AfD’s lives – like most right-wing populist parties – so-called “populist moments”. The Bonn political scientist Frank Decker calls them in his standard work on the “new right-wing populism,” political opportunity structures. These arise when policy issues and social emotions be appropriately taken into account. Then new political forms and parties to break tracks.

The door opener for the AfD was the great displeasure of conservative and liberal forces, with the bailout policy of the EU and the German government in the Euro crisis, starting in 2011. As the theme adopted structurally, again, adopted by many commentators, the AfD of the political picture.

wrong, because there was a second political opportunity structure: The increase in flight movements in 2015, unsettled many people. In addition, the electorate of protest voters, convinced right-wing voters, and the disappointed conservative voters Association now.

to bind In the period up to the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, it was managed by the AfD, too, in spite of their aware of the lack of boundaries to the far right and the debates on the “wings”, this clientele is stable in itself. Currently in Florida teaching at the end of a political scientist Marcel Lewandowsky is right, the setting, the motives of the populist and extreme right-wing voters were well tied together. Therefore, all Attempts by the other parties to the Blank to make the AfD’s electorate back away from ran.

the Corona-crisis offers a third political opportunity structure for the AfD. Different than the polls currently suggest, and also the anxiety in the group, makes even it suspect. the conditions for right-wing populist forces, not bad, with a view to the time after the crisis This aspect of the establishment parties now need to with concerns.

The Chance of the AfD as the “only” Opposition

in times of crisis are times of government. The Opposition in the Bundestag and in the land of days, nothing else remains now, as to support the necessary measures. But: the hour of The government is going to end. The doubts about the government’s actions will increase. Inevitably. Also, the restrictions in the fundamental rights, in particular, will be in the AfD’s electorate in the long term against the government turned. Then the hour of the Opposition suggests.

the leadership of The AfD has already internalized. In their anxiety, those forces have not been damaged in the AfD group in the Bundestag, but in the long term, the path taken from the point of view of the AfD target can be leading.In a recent Interview, Alexander Gauland notes that the AfD will continue to monitor the Actions of the government, of course, now. He is also the strategic basis for the debate, which will win after the crisis, again: “but Above all, the question is, what happens in two or three months, then, if the Virus is still not banned.”

Alice Weidel writes that after the crisis is addressed, it must be, “why the Federal government has not taken timely and targeted measures”. It was, incidentally, also voiced this criticism at a very early date, namely at the beginning of March 2020 in the Bundestag in their reply, Federal Minister of health Spahn (CDU).

The AfD will intensify the criticism of the Management of the Federal government, and Links to their topics, agenda draw. The AfD group can put this in the Bundestag with a special credibility. The other local opposition groups are indirectly involved through their participation in state governments at the present resolute crisis management.

conditions for the success of the AfD in the Corona-crisis

If the AfD from the effects of the Corona can benefit from crisis, is a question that will decide, especially in dealing with the looming economic crisis. Because it is the point at which government rating act and the criticism comes. A lot depends on how the government communicated in the coming weeks with the population. It therefore depends also on the Actions of the other, such as the AfD from your personal Corona crisis emerges.

the Content of the AfD is to carry out a sharpening of their economic and social political ideas. This is already evident in the in the group of special meeting, adopted the position paper. Prevailed here so far, more of a national-neoliberal policy designs, such as Christoph Butterwegge, Gudrun Hensel and Gerd Wiegel in her book out to work on the “right-wing populists in Parliament of” systematically, the present design for a pension shows political positioning in a different direction.

If the effects of the Corona-crisis, really, in the labour market, will the AfD do everything to raise your profile for those who were of the economic problem and the existence and status are fears threatened. The end of the year will represent the situation on the labour market is likely to be substantially different than at the beginning of the year.

The line for the General election of 2021 arises

So the possibility that the AfD, this new theme will build with your well-known resources in the Bundestag to a outrage potential. Uncertainty in the population and new threat situations are, unfortunately, a good breeding ground for populist politics. And by the spread of the Virus throughout the world, the AfD has another suspected reason to address the allegedly fatal acceleration due to open borders and to formulate a Critique on the EU.

Along with the unresolved Situation at the EU external borders and the challenges in front of the Corona-crisis troubled Euro-countries, a new political opportunity structure that can support the AfD in the Bundestag election campaign is created.

survey shows majority of Germans with a clear mind to verhängtem prohibition of Contact FOCUS Online/Wochit survey shows: majority of Germans with a clear mind to verhängtem contact ban