The police in Munich have decided that the climate stickers themselves have to pay for the expenses they have incurred. The use of solvent, which dissolves the adhesive, will be charged. Up to 1500 euros are incurred per action.

The police in Munich have decided on a new strategy against the climate stickers. As the “image” reports, they should now pay for their actions. Up to 1500 euros could accrue per action.

The direct compulsion in action will be charged. In this case, that means using a solvent that dissolves the superglue. The costs increase the longer the operation lasts, said police spokesman Werner Kraus.

On Wednesday, December 21st, the climate stickers were stuck in Munich on Ampfingstrasse in Berg am Laim. Police said seven people were glued to the roadway. It would have taken officers about an hour and a half to get them off the road. Ten of the activists were taken into police custody.

The day before there were actions at the Stachus. Here, too, climate stickers were taken to the station, but were released again the same evening.