The lawyer, Thomas Seifert takes legal proceedings against a judge of the district court of Magdeburg. It is the Chairman of the juvenile chamber, which had spoken in the past week the verdict in the case of the 2017 killed Marcus Hempel.

offender gets suspended sentence for deadly punch

The court imposed on the 20-year-old offender a two-year suspended sentence. The Syrians had confessed to Marcus Hempel in a dispute with a fist struck down. The 30-year-old victim died a short time later to the consequences of the fall on the back of the head.

The Baden-Württemberg and since some years in Belgium, a lawyer practising Seifert had represented in the non-public process, the father of the Killed. The 55-year-old Karsten Hempel was in the process in addition to plaintiff.

click here to read the article “Mild judgment of the district court of Magdeburg: Only probation for deadly punch – father of the victim could be “anger,

Prosecutor cry” checks criminal complaint against a judge

According to the FOCUS information Online the lawyer reported on may 29. March against the judge of a criminal complaint “for sedition, Usurpation, and attempted perversion of justice”. He also presented a criminal complaint “for defamation”.

The Magdeburg office of the public Prosecutor confirmed on Tuesday the receipt of the letter. Speaker Frank Baumgarten: “The public Prosecutor’s office will now check whether the ad content crime derive can.” At the same time, the lawyer authority brought a complaint against the judge. “The President of the district court is currently reviewing the complaint and will decide about this then,” said court spokesman Christian Löffler to FOCUS Online.

allegations relate to an incident on the last Day of the trial

The allegations of the lawyer, referring to the last day of the trial on 26. March, when the court decided, to the Surprise of the next action be the judgment. Advance an understanding between the defense, Prosecutor, and the defendant was gone. The basis of the Agreement was that the defendant had filed a confession, has no criminal record and a “favorable social prognosis” has.

Thomas Seifert criticized in its criminal complaint, the presiding judge had denied him in the Morning, the access to the court building without the objective reason. A judicial officer to have him prevented from Entering the house with the words “you are a Belgian lawyer. You the access is forbidden to the court building.“

The lawyer said according to his own representation that he had authority as a co-plaintiff representative, to appear at the hearing. After about 20 minutes he was allowed to enter the building yet. In his display attorney Seifert, the Chairman of the juvenile chamber for his “forced” exclusion of personal responsibility.

lawyer: “is Fulfilled the offence of incitement to hatred”

“The orders of the accused, to refuse me entry to the country court building, because I am a Belgian lawyer, fulfilled the offence of incitement to hatred,” – said in the criminal complaint.

in addition, the judge is Seifert no authority at all to ban him access to the building, complained. You do not have about the house. With your approach you have fulfilled the offence of Usurpation.

on More serious charges: Attempted perversion of justice, an insult

By seeking to destroy his “participation in the main negotiation,” had made the judge the attempted perversion of justice is guilty, says the lawyer. “I think the motive of the Chairman is that I’m already in the main hearing of 19. March got 2020 in an agreement on the sentence of the accused to resist.“

It is an “insult to my Person, also,” said Seifert in his display. With their actions, the judge violated him “in the professional honour as a Belgian lawyer”.

lawyer to appeal the probation of judgment puts a

at Least as weighty as the display and the supervision of a font set that the co-plaintiff lawyer, also on the 29th is complaining. March is placed, and the district court has sent. Therein, Seifert announced that he inserts against the probation sentence for the 20-year-old Syrians “the appeal of the Revision”. The case ends up in front of the Federal court of justice in Karlsruhe.

Karsten Hempel, the father of the victim, to hope FOCUS Online: “I, that there is a decent and fair trial.”

In the FOCUS Online/Wochit In the