This is a very serious matter. We are pleased that we have managed to uncover this, ” says inspector Rudi Id in the directorate of Fisheries.

It all started when a yrkesfisker reported several theft of a variety of krepseteiner in 2019.

the Pursuit of the stolen krepseteinene led to a crackdown in January. The directorate of fisheries then got more information, which meant that they connected on the police and the coast guard.

In a coordinated fellesaksjon was a total of 100 krepseteiner seized in the Hjeltefjorden to the west of Bergen last Friday.

” This has been a systematic effort. Several tips led us to the seizure, says Id.

He does not rule out additional action against illegal fritidsfiskere.

– People think that we are not present during the koronakrisen. But we are still powerful and have control of the sea, ” he adds.

A person charged with

By NRK, get lit was the majority of the krepseteinene found in the sea. The rest were found on land.

The stolen krepseteinene which was reviewed in 2019, was part of the seizure.

– Teinene was placed out in different places, ” says politiadvokat Ola Døskeland in the West standings.

He is otherwise very tight-lipped about the action, because the matter is under investigation. The only thing he will tell is that one person is charged with illegal fishing and theft in the case.

ACTION: Kystvaktskipet KV Tor carried out the action, on assignment from the Norwegian directorate of Fisheries and the police.

Photo: the coast guard, a Maximum of 20 pots

Kystvaktskipet KV Tor conducted the campaign. They had a crew of 15 men in turn to take up all teinene. The work went on for five hours.

It was a large seizure. It took time to get all teinene up from the sea, ” says ceo Bjørn Ole Hanssen by KV Tor.

the directorate of Fisheries says that illegal fishing is a major problem in Vestland.

Many people have too many pots in the sea. We see that svartsalget is increasing, ” says Id.

A fritidsfisker can totally have 20 krepseteiner.

the directorate of Fisheries discover people to tip them if they are experiencing illegal fishing or lost equipment.