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“Is this an early April fools? It was hard to believe his own eyes and ears when prime minister Erna Solberg proud be able to present today’s “youngest son”.”

So begins the leader in the Norwegian nurses ‘ association, Lill Sverresdatter Larsen, its observations on the Norwegian Sykepleierforbunds websites after the prime minister Erna Solberg on Tuesday said that the government has ordered 1000 new, domestically produced nødrespiratorer.

I’m here today because I have a good news. A joyful story to tell, a story about dugnadsånd and productions that found each other, ” said Solberg told the Norwegian Defence research establishment, along with the businesses Lærdal Medical and Shu have developed a new nødrespirator in record time.

the Leader of the Norwegian nurses ‘ association, Lill Sverresdatter Larsen, use strong words in their posts on the Norwegian Sykepleierforbunds websites.

Photo: Facsimile – May not be used on koronasyke patients

In the aftermath of the press conference has the reactions poured in to Lill Sverresdatter Larsen.

– This is kunnskapsløshet disguised as the power of activity from the government’s side, ” she says.

I have been contacted by a number of concerned intensivsykepleiere, anestesisykepleiere and some doctors. Common for them is that it is difficult to see what these nødrespiratorene can be used to. They can at least not be used on koronasyke patients.

In his post, type Larsen:

“This is quite far from what can be called a respirator. This is a machine that press on a Lærdalsbag. A machine that could have been found up in the 1950s and perhaps helped polio patients. But the reason that polio patients need pustehjelp is a quite different than why Covid19 patients need it. Polio-patients were mostly lungefriske, but had a neurological respirasjonssvikt.”

She points out that koronasmittede patients who need intensive care are particularly challenging because they often develop a betennelsesutløst lungesvikt.

Covid19-ill patients have problems with the lungs, and it helps not to just håndventilere into the air, ” says Larsen.

– Nødrespiratorene Erna Solberg presented today, is really just an advanced Lærdalsbag. They are not suitable for patients who are infected by the koronaviruset. A respirator is linked to, among others, the follow-up of blodgassnivå and to give the patient the proper oxygen in very controlled forms, something that requires a higher form of expertise.

When NRK ask whether or not these nødrespiratorene will be better than, in the worst case, no respirator for a koronasmittet patient, answers Larsen clearly.

– These nødrespiratorene is not suitable for use on Covid19-infected patients at all. They may be able to need used on other patients in a very short period of time before they are treated in the intensive care unit, but not on the koronapasienter, believes Larsen.

Multiple react

the chief Physician Hans Flaatten at Haukeland universitetssjukehus led recently a work where the number of intensivplasser in Norway is mapped.

To NRK earlier in march said Flaatten, Norway has around 250 intensivplasser and 550 overvåkningsenheter. The lack of intensivplasser relates not only to the number of respiratorer, but also area, power and gas supply, ICT and ventilation.

Flaatten says to NRK Tuesday night that he reacted to the news from the prime minister, and that he on Tuesday evening in meeting with others in the academic community. He says that they hope to come up with a statement about respiratorene Wednesday.

We seem respiratorene so special, and must consider whether we can recommend it for use. It is too early to speak bombastic about this, ” he says.

the Anesthesiologist and vice chair in the Norwegian anestesiologisk association, Jon Laake, are among those who have responded to the nødrespiratorene:

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Håkon Bakke, a medical doctor in specialization in anesthesia and associate professor at the Helgelandssykehuset, is also critical to nødrespiratorene on Twitter.

Neither Laake or on the Ground has so far answered The requests for further comments.

Emphasizing that it is nødrespirator

I think this will work very well, personally, but I have not seen the details, ” says Nakstad to the NRK.

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / Håkon Mosvold Larsen

NRK has addressed to the Prime minister’s office, but where they show to the ministry of Health when it comes to response to the criticism.

When NRK ask the health minister Bent High, he shows on to the assistant director Espen Nakstad.

I don’t know all the details on these respiratorene. What they probably are worried about is whether they can deliver a high enough pressure. But if they can they are probably good enough to be able to be used as nødrespiratorer.

Nakstad says that although he has a doctorate in respiratorbehandling and know what to to, so he must see produksjonstegningene and details before he can comment.

– It is important to emphasize that it is a nødrespirator, it is when you do not have any other option that you can use in maybe a mellomfase between a proper respirator, ” says Nakstad.

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