In contrast to the almost 1 million temporarily unemployed workers in the private sector, the majority of the civil servants at the coronacrisis just to get to work. This is because the statutairen – three-quarters of all civil servants, who are not required by law to have temporary unemployment, can be taken. For contractual civil servants may be free, but the government is doing everything it can to make them work, or at the very least are available.

The main reason, in the case of temporary unemployment, cost of officials, the government’s money. So is working from home now-up to be encouraged, as long as the service is yet to be maintained. “All of the staff members of the administration continue to be, in principle, so let’s get going”, says the flemish minister of Welfare, David Clarinval MR).

a Similar story in the Flanders region, where over 30,000 government officials, however, have the opportunity to be of a temporary service, or a job change. “We will deploy in the places where it is most needed,” says minister of local government Bart Somers (Open VLD). “Some of the departments have less time to work, but in other places, there is a need of additional support.” And that may even be external, members of the Special Youth care sector who have children with special needs, make up for it, for example. Or the doctors at the Centre, the Pupil guidance centres, who support a local triagecentrum.

the Stories of the officers, who, in their own homes, with their fingers stuck to the run, for the time being, do not report, what it sounds like. “When working at home or away is not possible, it may be a superior, government officials are always exempt from tax, but they will have to continue to be available,” says the minister, Clarinval.

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see also:

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