Legendary actress Zinaida Leontiev, until his 100th birthday playing in the performance “thunder-Storm”, died recently in the Podolsk boarding house for the elderly. The actress even his grandchildren are not allowed to call yourself grandma.

As it became known “MK”, the last few years, honored worker of culture of the RSFSR, the granddaughter of a chocolate manufacturer Leonti Leontiev, the bride of the French pilot regiment “Normandie – Niemen” Leon Kyuffo lived in a boarding house for the elderly, because here she was provided round the clock medical care – the woman could no longer walk independently, her weakened legs. But this did not prevent her to continue to speak in his native Tula youth Theatre. Twice a year, colleagues sent her a taxi, wore makeup and took to the stage in a wheelchair. The older actress played the mistress in the play “Thunderstorm”.

by the Way, a profession of all six grandchildren of Zinaida Vasilievna somehow connected with art, but none of them followed in her footsteps. One of the granddaughters, for example, a very successful jewelry designer.

the rest of your life, the actress kept a clear mind and tried to convince one of the great-grandchildren to enter the acting Department. “You’re so beautiful,” she said, but the young man chose the language direction.

His only daughter as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren Zina (so she told me to call myself and family members, and colleagues) gave his only recipe for longevity. “You never keep a grudge, live with a light heart and a bright soul,” she admonished relatives. Her marriage with her husband, Director Peter Dumont, according to relatives, was very happy, because loving wife always radiated positive emotions.

Zinaida Leontiev died quietly and almost unnoticed. This morning she thanked the staff for the delicious Breakfast, and after lunch it’s gone. The artist did not live up to its 101-th anniversary of four months.