According to the politician, the laws of beekeeping is the perfect solution for parties. He declared it on air of TV channel “Russia 1”, his words RIA Novosti reported.

“the Womb of all listening. Not eligible no one to contradict or argue. Moreover, when the output of the second uterus, two uteruses do not live, she tries to pierce the sting. Bees do not have the right to touch,” — said Zyuganov.

He also added that the Communist party recently got a lot of young and responsible people, and the party is order.

In 2016 the Communist leader presented his book “In the apiary Zyuganov”. In it, he spoke about his hobby of beekeeping and current topical problems of the industry of agriculture.

Family policy for several generations in beekeeping. Part of the summer vacation policies traditionally held at home in the Orel region, where he has a large apiary.